
As you say, players are in pain everyday, so if the steelers did take Bell to arbitration he probably could point towards a genuine physical issue as his reason for sitting out games. Even if it were the kind of thing that players ignore every day. The steelers can hardly argue that it doesn’t count because all NFL pla

First it’s “not all men” and now it apparently is “all men”.

I’d start a new tree with any great coach who started under a terrible one, because obviously that great coach isn’t great because of what they learned from their boss. If one of Matt Patricias assistants comes good, that coach will be his own tree.

Did it take you 3 whole days to Google the name of an American state?

When I was a barista a few years ago, occasionally I’d get to serve one of my sporting heroes. I usually just stared awkwardly rather than asking for an autograph or a photo.

If that’s the case, why did nobody try to get her out of that house and away from him? Fuck all those people, they gave a half hearted attempt at fulfilling their obligations, and when nothing came of it they shrugged their shoulders and left her to deal with it alone for years.

Come on, you’re vastly overrating the democrats gumption. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, they’ll leave him there. 

Lol, I see the Russian troll doesn’t like getting called out.

When Sanders ran for president, what did he run as?

I think to properly raise Browns fans hopes, Mayfield would have to get the browns to the cusp of playoff contention and then turn into a pumpkin. They’re ready for everything else.

If you photoshpped Reese’s eyes onto Rhianna we’d get to see what Reese would look like in blackface.

He’s too old and racist to a good president.

There’d be about 3 or 4 people, all of colour, mostly women. Maxine Waters would totally survive the purge for starters.

Crazy good job security, and we can trust her to do right by her people.

Both sides would have to agree if we’re talking about a federal law. But the democrats could choose to make it party policy that their congresspeople will retire after 10 years in the house. The republicans can keep their cachet of old ass white guys, while the democrats cycle fresh meat through their seats. It would c

There’s a ton of dead wood in the democratic party that needs clearing out. Biden, Sanders, Pelosi and Schumer to start with.

Drop kicks get more distance. They used to be really popular in Australian rules, but now players prefer the drop punt because it’s more accurate.

I guess the only thing any of us can do is to call in a bomb threat in congress every time they try to vote to confirm him.

Maybe they’re going in the oven? My opinion is that this is all bullshit.