They can remove him from the party and make him an independent.
They can remove him from the party and make him an independent.
Well at least two of those men said their victims were liars in their so called apology statement. Those apologies are not worth shit to anyone.
Im so mad at the people on this site who defended him when the uso incident was reported. He shpuld have been forced put then. The dems have lost the moral high ground by not immediately disposing of Franken and Conyers like nbc did when the accusations against Lauer were about to drop.
Fucking nbc holds its people to a higher standard than the democratic party. I’m looking forward to a bunch of so called feminist democrats trying to justify why franken has not been ejected from the party.
Congress would be a lot more functional if there were age limits. I don’t know why Pelosi thinks the fact that Conyers has been there for 50 years is a reason to protect him.
Marital status obviously does not matter though.
It’s not just a hollywood/media/politics issue. Every industry has these issues but your rapey accountant isn’t going to make national news because he is not a public figure.
Protect his legacy? I thought from the article title that the cbc was going to do what Pelosi was too cowardly to do and kick this guy out. But as always, it’s all about protecting the men.
Their children could become x men though.
Every country has issues, whether they be racism, sexism or homophobia. But europe is the continent that went around the world exporting a lot of this hateful shit into places where it did not previously exist so why the fuck would you expect the original nazis to set a good example?
Is your friend Lena Dunham?
Rich people are already spending all the money they’re going to spend, all this extra money is just going into an offshore bank account.
Hope that Mueller is working on a plan to get rid of those too. There’s nothing else to be done until the election.
What billieholiday said below.
They’re trying to ruin wapos credibility by fooling wapo into printing a false story at which point they’ll say all the others are false too.
That’s a nice thought but I don’t envisage it happening.
Splintering the GOP vote is the only way a Democrat can hope to get elected there. That said, I’m still npt sure it’s going to be enough. If they do elect Moore then those people don’t deserve Doug Jones.
Cold and rainy sounds nice. I am in Australia and today I had a cold shower that burnt my toes when I turned the water on.
So her mistake was not fact checking her own parents? How often do you fact check the things they tell you about your family?
The royals have been realky goid at their own pr for a while now. Whoever manages their image is probably desperately researching ways to make her a princess.