
Aside from some very recent exceptions like Attack on Titan and Knights of Sidonia, anime has been in a bit of a fanservice funk for the last decade or so. It's great seeing Kickstarter find ways for fans of older anime, where eyes were smaller and explosions more numerous, to get the kind of content they've been

Let's be honest. Who doesn't love cleavage?

Mikhail Rakhmatullin is a Russian freelancer whose work has single-handedly brightened up my day.

Nobody gives a shit in the real world.

Marvel has been moving since The Incredible Hulk in 2008.

DC have only announced they plan to match Marvel, they have a long way ahead of them.

This is a striking image. I remember it for the marketing surrounding this Devil May Cry.

Unrelated: DmC was great.

Billysan be damned.

I'm still baffled that we haven't gotten a Pro Bending sports title. It seems so... obvious. SO obvious.

Or maybe decent character design considers all aspects of form and function, particularly given the fact that clothing like that is likely to move in major and revealing ways given all the acrobatics involved in the game.

A TIE Fighter and the Iron Giant, from artist-slash-game-dev Derek Laufman. These are part of the Inktober campaign, where artists create one ink drawing a day in October to improve their skills. Laufman's already pretty good, as you can see. There's more of his stuff below, and on his deviantART and Tumblr pages.

I keep telling myself not to get this game until alll the DLC comes out so I can do it all in one playthrough, but they make it a really tough sell.

Chibi Miku survives by feeding on children.

Now playing

What's all this? Everyone knows Goku is a little old lady. Skip to 1:25!

Can I just say how surprising it is that this game along with Wolfenstien: The new Order (both of which I knew nothing about other than the title and was ready to write off) are really good and the big hyped up games like Watch Dogs and Destiny were underwhelming at best? This console generation thus far has been one

"They baked him a cake called pentakill".

I lost it right there.