
You should have said “little black kids with long criminal records who are pointing guns at people”, but that might have threatened your fraudulent victim narrative.

That’s a gross rating though, just like the hp. Real torque probably about 360 by today’s measurements.

No it didn’t!

What a misleading title. He didn’t get a coupon for a free massage. Just put “summons”, which is really what it was. Of course, without the clickbait the only news here would be “man faces license loss and jail for going way too fast”, and that wouldn’t really be news worthy.

You’re several feet and several hundred pounds off.

You’re a bag of hot air.

If you think an LS powered Prius is an idea lacking imagination, then I think it’s possible that you lack imagination.

If she needs hormone replacement therapy to become a she, then she is definitely a he!

Well, there’s no quit in you, I’ll give you that!

Wes, seriously, you are coming across as a total loser!

Jason, your smartass cheapshot article notwithstanding, a coffee cup does not equal the death of Christmas, but it certainly is yet another small sign that Christmas, and Christianity, is slowly being phased out of the maintream of American life. I can see how that might be disturbing to some.

I really wish I’d thought of that. Double thumbs up.

Reigning supreme in the world of 24 inch rims is a bit like being winning a contest for smelliest turd.

Are you flirting with me?

And if your drooling pathetic excuse for a man childlike pussy ass ever needs help you’ll be screaming at the top of your high pitched lungs for some actual real men to save you. Then you can go back to whining about those oppressing brutes.

Or they just like big trucks.

You got to use a funny picture! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

Well you fought with failure, so no wonder your day was fraught with failure.

Well yes, I gathered you paid a vet to mutilate your cat, as opposed to doing it yourself. I am also aware that it isn’t illegal. That point should have been obvious if you read my post. Also, a “cat tree” is a thing that goes inside your house, it’s not a tree in your yard. Most cat owners are aware of this. Finally,

Sorry, but mutilating a cat is not caring for it. There is a good reason that the practice is now banned in many parts of the world, the United Kingdom for example, and that is because it is inhumane and considered animal abuse. It is also an act that betrays a chilling lack of empathy on the part of the pet owner.