I’ll give you “entertaining” but little else.
I’ll give you “entertaining” but little else.
The Martian is just so ridiculously hopeful, the book and the movie. The Martian is inspiring; not many movies can achieve that.
Event Horizon does not hold up, sadly.
Does Real Genius count as sci-fi? Because if so, that deserves to be on the list too.
Yes, I’m definitely wrong for preferring something that actually entertained me over a muddled mess that had no idea what it wanted to be. Except depressing. It definitely knew it wanted to be that.
No Total Recall, Predator, Interstellar, The Martian or Event Horizon, but we do get Dune, AI and Buckaroo fucking Banzai?
Jeez. How could I forget about Strange Days?
I was surprised not to see Dark City, which seemed to get a lot of love round these parts not too long ago. I also have a soft spot for Strange Days, and I’m not sure if 28 Days Later counts as sci-fi, but if it does, I’d probably throw that on the list, too.
I would add:
For the life of me I will never get “i like _ college team but could never get into that school”. Apropos of this list
You could say that the Orlando Pride comes before the fall
Excellent fucking point. Shit, try renting an apartment in Boston proper. I dare you. It isn’t pretty. Of course those mofos flee to the suburbs, leaving the city in disarray due to underfunding and redlining, then want to come back and buy up shit because they see a chance for “expansion and growth.” Fuck off.
This is true, but it was still an exception.
The Quicker Fucker Upper
These are the perfect weapons to fight wars in the 20th century. Unfortunately, as our BFF Uncle Vlad has shown, the future of warfare is in cyberspace. These jets will do nothing to protect us there. They also won’t help in the fight against terrorists. But defense contractors will make obscene amounts of money,…
As luck would have it, I JUST had 140 invisible F-35s come into my possession!
What’s more, due to an ordering mix-up, I no longer need 70 of them, the exact number Dear Leader proposes purchasing!
Maybe he’s just being honest that much of the millions poured into the F35 don’t result in as many tangible assets as we think they should.