

Late gen X early millennial.....Xeenial....or I prefer oregon Trail generation actually. Weird guess though.


:;shrugs:: OK...maybe my perception is skewed....could be my information is out of date too. Makes sense why they had to bribe people

wait....why did anyone need to bribe anyone to get into USC? I guess it’s can spot a sucker a mile off...
Like they are Cali residents...I thought they basically got into state schools for free....
Like I looked into USC and SAT scores in the 8th grade were good enough to get in....

I am sorry she experienced this, but I don’t doubt she’s 100% correct.

Umm actually if history shows anything, they are in a head on collision as soon as the second one deploys

I lived in Florida with no front plate. then moved back up to Ohio where they require one. My front plate mount on my Avalon was broken...that was a pain in the ass. So i sold it and bought a jeep front plate is currently in my front window because it didn’t have a front plate hanger installed.
It is SUCH

and bitching about “virtue signaling,” a prevailing wingnut insult meant to infer that you’re either faking your virtue and should be an asshole like a real man, or that you DO have virtue and are therefore a pussy. 

I live in Columbus OH, and this hit the new wires up here hard. I don’t like sonic, and don’t eat there (a side from friends deciding that’s where to eat), and this makes me so angry I never will try them. Yikes

Let’s all laugh at an industry that never learns anything- TEE HEE HEE._ Ben “Yatzee” Crowshaw.

Do you know how goddamned long it took me to learn to quit my “hobbies” like games that I don’t think are fun? Holy God...

“I am being critical of Occarina of Time on the internet. I’m gonna get crucified!”—Arin “EgoRaptor” -Sequelitis: The Legend of Zelda

I mean...yeah I do actually...but that’s a different discussion.

I would bet that the weapons you used were cleaned regularly? Maintained? We there covered in mud?
If these folks gear down and leave it, stinks and gets ratty. Then it also starts to fail in the field. This is not just their plate carrier, and

did I tell you about my time in Film School?

Here’s my take:
I own a copy of Firefly the board game.
It has THEME, it has FLAVOR, there just isn’t much GAME to it.
I tend to love it, but here’s the deal, once I got deep dive into how games work, my opinions matured past the theme.
ANTHEM in my opinion right now is all theme. Get in an Exo Suit, fly around and blow

Fuck it, I’m in. I am so tired of the “THIS WILL COST US INFINITE MONIES IF WE EXTEND TO AN INFINITE TIME LINE!” bullshit things.
It’s gonna cost money over does the fuckin Jeep I just bought and my fucking college’s the deal...THEY’RE FUCKING WORTH IT.