Crooked Hill Road

The Austrailians and Chinese are off to an early lead in Brazil, but it’s a long event and nothing has been decided yet. Stay tuned for our continuing coverage of the greatest spectacle in criminal history!

If they could somehow jettison A-Rod and Tex, I'd consider the season a rousing success.

The worst thing about stealing Chinese luggage is you just want to do it again in forty five minutes.

You were anticipating this:

Not her:

“Welcome aboard, Kaine. Let’s do this.”

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And I don’t like what you got me hanging from

I saw Crim a few years back in NYC and chatted with Adrian for a bit after the show. He was incredibly friendly and was so stoked that someone my age was into them. Now, Fripp on the other hand...

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Royal Headache being unknown and great...

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It’s hot AF. Even the trap needs a nice Summer Breeze tho.

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The randomizer’s all over the place today.

It’s all of you dickhead. What crimes against black people did these murdered cops commit? They wore the uniform? Fuck you and everyone who thinks like you. Take a hard look at their grieving wives, children, and parents and try to feel good about yourself. You can’t find blame in an ambush!