Your candidate supports a rapist, is a racist, defended a child rapist, but she accepts climate change and supports abortion so go for it. You won’t get to vote for her though, she will be off the ticket and her hubby will be off to the races.
Your candidate supports a rapist, is a racist, defended a child rapist, but she accepts climate change and supports abortion so go for it. You won’t get to vote for her though, she will be off the ticket and her hubby will be off to the races.
Probably doesn’t need a safe space either.
You support a selfish, globalist, elitist scumbag that would sell you out in a second. Don’t worry though, she will lose and you will be better off for it despite your idiotic training.
Trump had the full weight of the Republican Party against him and he took them down. Now he is facing the full weight of the Democrat Party and their puppets in the press and he is in the lead. Don’t worry moron, you will be better off when he wins.
Trump went to Louisiana, Mexico, and Detroit. Hillary went to the Hamptons.
I think Bill wants this campaign to do her in so he can be alone and do as he pleases. She might not make it to November.
She’s in trouble, she’s in hiding, and she’s probably in convulsions right now. High crimes and low energy. Great candidate you got there.
Hi Lauren. Has anyone at Jezebel thought about inviting Trump for an interview? He might accept as opposed to the one in hiding.
Looking better for Trump with each passing day.
How about today? Do you guys have any idea about the shit that came out about your candidate today? Real bad. She’s done. And fuck her and anyone who supports her.
All of the shit that came out on Hillary today and you guys have nothing? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are in the tank for someone robbing you blind. Fuck you all. Seriously, fuck you all.
It’s not just a day. Your girl has not been looking good for a while. Trump goes places she won’t dare and leaves her to make feeble, irrelevant replies. Hell, he would probably accept an invite for a sit-down with Jezebel, unlike the anointed one. Next up is Detroit, where her husband Bill said the Syrians would make…
When she can’t stand up on her own.
You know what was worse than Trump going to Mexico? Hillary’s pathetic attempt to pre-empt it. I’ll say it again, she’s not going to make it. You are supporting the worst candidate ever to run for President. The only election she won was when the Senate seat was handed to her.
So the Reuters poll that had Hillary up 12 points a week ago is now even. She will lose, and she will lose big.
That is a perfect gift from a kid, but Chelsea knows what Bill really wants and its not Hillary by his side or an Elmo balloon so it was inappropriate.
I thought The President was in Martha’s Vineyard.
Why do the Mexicans hate Trump’s Wall and Gawker? No comprendo. You guys didn’t even get Outsourced, you got Outfucked.