I’ve seen a lot of my friends hand wringing over this movie, saying we shouldn’t support it because it might encourage negative acts, and my response has always been “Yeah, but what about every Scorcese film?”
I’ve seen a lot of my friends hand wringing over this movie, saying we shouldn’t support it because it might encourage negative acts, and my response has always been “Yeah, but what about every Scorcese film?”
The other side will just make shit up.
It doesn’t matter what anyone does. The other side will find a way to twist and spin it. Start a fucking revolution! No one ever affected change by being nice and quiet.
See: civility blah blah blah
I would consider taking away my health care to be very rude, indeed.
I agree he doesn’t deserve to enjoy a meal out ever again, but this doesn’t help our side.
Do you know what “Talk to the fist ‘cause the hand is pissed” means?
Counterpoint: he should live in fear until he's voted out/guillotined.
Sorry, but that is 100% wrong. They are trying to gaslight us all, and they don’t give a shit what we think. They do nothing in good faith. It doesn’t matter what we do, they will find a way to paint us as an unruly mob. They are not even above outright lying. So go ahead and chase these monsters out of restaurants…
Go fuck yourself.
“The other side” does not give a shit what we do. They are gaslighting you/us.
Exactly. I’m not too worried about firing up conservatives. I’m far more worried about firing up uninterested voters who could use a kick in the ass to realize just how badly the GOP is fucking them.
This is terribly unfair to other people who just want to drink their tea, and I wish people wouldn’t do shit like this. It makes us look bad. Yell at them at their office and shit-disturb there. Flood their offices with letters and messengers. I agree these taxes are outrageous and we should have elected…
I want to know what happened during Beach Week.
Why? Did he kill your dog?