
The cut to Lil’ Tuck in the clip where the dipshit is describing Xi’s hot interpreter reminds of an SNL skit where the other actors are really trying hard to not break character and bust out laughing. I hate Carlson and his overly expressive fake outrage, but something about that moment looked like Tucker was

You just KNEW the second you posted a comment about game prices personally getting too high for you, some game publisher apologist/shill would come in with the “well, actually when calculating for inflation...” bullshit. Surprised they didn’t do the other go-to of attaching an image of a mid 1990's Toys R’ Us flyer

Stand Your Ground” is basically a “Get out of Jail Free” card for anyone who is a warrior for ultra-conservative MAGA causes. These assholes are even making declarations to their friends that they are basically going hunting for liberal protesters. Same playbook as that Rittenhouse piece of shit. Arm yourself and go

So there is no way to impeach him but can’t he just go on the same hunting trip to that ranch in Texas where judge Scalia ended up pushing daisies.

Well, she is a cheap date. She’ll give him rides for an affectionate pat on the neck and a bucket of apples or a nice carrot.

All of this stuff kinda reminds me of the creepy abstract atmospheres of Chris Cunningham videos like Second Bad Vilbel or Rubber Johnny which predates all of this by 10-15 years.

First, the media will never learn and fall for his attention seeking circus sideshow every single fucking time.

WTF Texas. Stop teasing the rest of us with the “We are going to cede from the nation!” and fucking do it already. Go frolic in you neo-Christofascist hellscape and leave the rest of us alone.

100 stars for this. I would have ZERO idea who this squinty neposhit is if it was for Jezebel.

I feel like in single player games, becoming an OP juggernaut is the reward for grinding away for hours to slowly build your character up. If the game is designed to continually scale the enemies up to always be close to the same level as you, then for me at least, the sense of accomplishment in diminished. If I grind

Link activated the Greg Louganis rune.

Welp, at least I know to pass on this game. It wasn’t the worst part of BOTW but combine that with the other unnecessarily tedious elements and that game quickly became awful. Since I paid full price for it, I ended up using glitches to skip the mind numbing grind just to “hate finish” the game. 

I don’t know. I loved having 4 high end weapons break during a single “major test of strength” trial. Or the giant hammer that was meant to break rocks shattering after breaking 4 boulders. It’s so so realistic and not in the least bit annoyingly tedious.

WTF. You just burned out my retinas with those pants.

The SEC smacking down these celebs is like the cops arresting some kids for illegally selling joints while accepting duffle bags of hush money from the multi-billion dollar drug syndicate.

If the Fox News lawyers are able to successfully argue that Fox News did nothing wrong because they weren’t technically lying, they were being intentionally hyperbolic for entertainment purposes and no “reasonable” viewer could expected to take them seriously, then the US is seriously fucked. 70+ million Americans

I’ve been playing video games for decades and never once thought about the wall crack mechanism until a previous Kotaku article called attention to how played out it was. Now I cannot ‘NOT’ see them and my brain is sucked out of the immersive experience because of that stupid nit-picky Kotaku article.

She looks like the Total Recall face malfunction

So glad I never played the game so I can just enjoy and truly love the show for what it is.
I love video games and anime, but good god why is there such a large segment of those fanbases who flip their shit at adaptations of any kind if they are not a 100% exact replica of the original. Are you all the same way with

Yeah, this just seems like they are looking for easy target scapegoats. These celebs are just paid talent for the crypto company’s ad campaigns. They aren’t investors or board members orchestrating the crypto con.  How many celeb endorsers did they crucify after the first dot com implosion... none. So why now?