
Sounds like Oklahoma during the mid 2010's. Before 2010, Oklahoma rarely had earthquakes. Billionaire oil barons brought in fracking and at the peak in 2016, they had 887 earthquakes in ONE SINGLE YEAR. Some of them of a high enough magnitude that it was felt as far away as Kansas City. They were the targets of class

Easy. His word salad vomit translates to “I will do whatever my GOP handlers tell me to do.”

Yes, he did it.
No, there will never be consequences because of the insanity of “lifetime appointments” no matter how egregious their behavior is.

So Elon has finally confirmed that he’s a classic conservative republican.
Homosexuality is an abomination! (Son comes out as gay) I now support gay rights!
Abortion should be outlawed! (Daughter needs abortion to save her life) Abortion should be a woman’s right!
Guns are a god given right! (In-laws killed in a mass

hahaha yes. I’ll add ‘fetid’ to my bag of descriptors for future shit posts.

Mosquitoes are known to flourish in filthy swampy cesspool type lakes, like Kari Lake.

Seems like a lot of what transpired under the Trump admin can be filed under the “The cruelty is the point” category. This is well beyond that. This feels like they were testing the boundaries of how far they could go into the Josef Mengele territory of forced procedures/torture that they could get away with. I’d say

Meh, whatever. Hallmark finally realized that their core consumer, white straight christian women, is getting old and slowly dying off. So, begrudgingly or not, they are embracing inclusion. That didn’t jive with Bure’s beliefs so she left to join a network that does. She didn’t start some One Million Mom’s campaign

This is what makes me wonder if he’s actually orchestrating some complex scheme that in a few years, there will be some expose on what he and his co-conspirators pulled off. Is he seriously so egomaniacal that he will recklessly blow through billions and tank his own company just to try and prove that he’s a mad

Amazed at the wildly different responses to this depending which platform the comments are posted on. I read a couple different post on Yahoo that were aggregated from 2 different publications. Almost all comments on the conservative leaning article were highly defensive of Jones saying “free speech is dead!” or

It’s his next revenue generating scheme.
Wanna change your name? $8 per name change!
Next, wanna edit your hastily worded tweet? Now you can... for $8!
TO THE MOON! (for only 5,500,000,000 payments of $8)

Sadly, seemed pretty inevitable. The large number of MAGA men in Arkansas were begrudgingly OK with voting for a woman because she was a Trump loyalist. And the women in Arkansas would watch her on Fox News and say things like “She is such a strong confident woman in the male dominated world of politics. I admire her

“Millennial Lan Parties”? I’m Gen-X and my first job out of college in the late 90's was at a tech startup. All of us recent grads would stay at the office for hours and hours after work playing Starcraft or Unreal Tournament. We’d run and grab a case or two of beer, get pizza delivered and frequently end up crashing

Seriously WTF. I gave up on House of the Dragon a few episodes ago when I literally could not see a fucking thing. I kept pausing and then changing the video mode on my 4k TV and nothing made a difference. And it wasn’t just the darkness, it was the wavering way in which it did it. It was the same exact camera shot in

Do any of them last more than 6 months? Do they all require replacement cartridges that total more in cost than the original printer? Do they “fail to recognize replacement cartridge” even though they are OEM cartridges and then turn into a functionless brick?

All of these Chris’s owe a debt of gratitude to the OG Chris thirst trap. Chris Elliot.

Or just duct tape them down to the launch pad directly under the rocket.

Genuinely curious who the audience is for these. That price point seems insane but maybe these geared towards pro gamers or high end video editors and FX creators? I gave up on PC gaming years ago because it seemed like I was constantly having to upgrade hardware since every new game kept upping the requirements for a

The 2 co-founders take home compensation in 2021 was $14.9 million and $14 million. 3 other execs made between $7 million - $10.5 million. But yeah, they put their big brains together and just couldn’t quite put their finger on how exactly to trim some excess spending.

AND behind a paywall. Last I checked (30 minutes ago) Pornhub is still free. But alas, they don’t have a “nazi” sub-genre so I guess if someone is absolutely dead-set on some early 70's style nazi exploitation porn then congrats Chief Twit, you’ve found your cash cow audience.