The first time I saw the court design, which granted was a much smaller thumbnail on twitter, the first thing that popped into my mind was “why is there a yellow ICP juggalo hatchetman at the top of the key?”
The first time I saw the court design, which granted was a much smaller thumbnail on twitter, the first thing that popped into my mind was “why is there a yellow ICP juggalo hatchetman at the top of the key?”
Uhhhh, the B&W top image looks like a propaganda video for the rise of the fascist gnome regime under the axe wielding iron grip of Mario Mussolini.
I honestly don’t understand any of this anymore.
When the GOP was in power, like an abusive spouse they repeatedly rammed shit down our throats that the vast majority of Americans never wanted. Basically, “shut up and take it motherfucker!”.
When the dems are in power, the GOP minority who only represent less than 30%…
I can sympathise with Lohan and Britney since they seemed to be victims of greedy parents and handlers that cared far more about lining their bank accounts than they did their child’s well being.
But also back in the aughts, people like Paris gained a lot of their “celebrity” status by creating a persona as an…
CPAC topic #1: “Hateful democrats are trying to cancel everything that Trump stands for and everyone who voted for Trump!”
Of course she did.
Yeah you’re right.
But she hung up that sign to openly mock a child knowing that Newman’s daughter is transgender. Anyone who openly taunts and mocks children deserves something far worse than just being ignored.
Why don’t they just change their name from Bungie to Destiny Studio.
Why is “Trust The Science!” in quotes? Is she mocking science or is she trying to say science proves her asinine statement?
If she is truly saying to trust science, then she is undermining her own statement by refusing to wear a mask which is scientifically proven to help stop the spread. Not to mention that in one of…
So 36% of Americans get their news from Facebook. What is the demographic breakdown of that? Gullible white 65+ year olds with a penchant for racism and outlandish conspiracies?
The only reason I haven’t completely deleted Facebook is because I signed up for Spotify when the only way to do so was through Facebook. If I…
Yes, a thousand times over.
Lets see, a pandemic with historically horrid economic despair and skyrocketing unemployment causing a record number of American to be unable to pay rent, pay utilities, put food on the table, etc. while the ruling class of vultures who represent a tiny fraction of the overall population see…
Why does his face always look like he just realized he failed at holding in a juicy shart.
Well, she blew it when she didn’t proclaim her love for beer, Tobin and Squee before belligerently accusing her critics of conducting a Soros funded hit job.
THAT’S how you prove you have the “experience and temperament to lead this critical agency”.
Oh fuck off.
The failure of Gen-X in the 90's. GTFOH.
Who has been in power for the entirety of that time and is just now started to every so slightly lose some of that power? Fucking Boomers.
True Gen-Xers have always been about inclusion and societal fairness. The “whatever” generational label had nothing to do with…
This is idiotic advice that is being funded by some Super PAC for the wiper blade industry that wants you to leave your wipers down so the rubber gets demolished by either your ice scraper ripping them up while trying to free them from the ice or the rubber gets demolished when the auto-wipers try to…
“contain a bit of narrative”
I have not had an audio narrative play for me since very early on in Division 2. I’ve played through everything Div 2 has to offer including the expansions and every manhunt but no audio, ever. I frequently see the “X to Stop transmission” message as if something should be playing but…
Why yes Marie Kondo. This DOES spark joy. Immense waves of joy.
No do Trump, McConnell, Lady G, etc.
Yet, there’s plenty in it for her.
First, she will definitely get a sizable book deal since she the type of E! oddity pseudo-celeb that people love to read about.
Second, she’ll get plenty of image rehab as a payed guest on a variety of “comedian” hosted pop culture podcasts of interviews portraying her as a person who…
Perez Hilton needs to apologize to humanity for being Perez Hilton.