
The 2020 release calendar didn’t include many actual consoles either.

As someone who worked almost exclusively in Flash during its heyday, I wouldn’t be so bitter about its death if something comparable replaced it.
For those of us that really knew how to leverage Flash for all it was worth, we could create some amazing and truly immersive experiences that ran flawlessly.
Thanks to Jobs,

2 reasons for this:

No, no no no no NO!
Fuck that entitled piece of extreme white privilege shit. Rewind to when she was gloating about never going to class, insinuating that she knew her parents bribed her way in even though she said she never wanted to go in the first place since she’s a self-proclaimed “celebrity influencer”.
Oh but she

Dems are shit at timing and branding of their message.
Yes, I absolutely want this to pass but seriously, this couldn’t have waited until the day AFTER Biden was sworn in?
This is perfect ammo for Bitch Mitch and his conservative cabal of shitbags to to turn this into a condescending line of attack about how those

*Checks drivers license*
Ah shit, I still live in 1 of only 3 states where it’s completely illegal. Fucking Kansas.

Only if the truck’s wheels manage to miss him but then he gets his turtle shell caught on the trailer hitch which then drags him face down for 100 miles on a gravel road littered with broken bottles. Oh, and somehow the truck’s backup camera happens to live-stream the entire 100 miles on Twitch.

He already has an unofficial military who’s just chomping at the bit to fire the first shots of a civil war. There have been a rapidly growing number of interviews with members of various Trump-lovin’ trigger happy militia groups that have said they would absolutely start a civil war against liberals to defend Dear

They “gotcha!” eyebrow raise at the 1:24 mark is comedy gold.
I’m starting to think the whole Giuliani and his batshit sidekicks are part of some next level meta comedy shit akin to Andy Kaufman’s bizarro Tony Clifton alter ego.
The Four Seasons Landscape presser.
His crazed rantings while hair dye runs down his face.

She’s got a point. I too miss the time honored traditions of the very many men who pioneered the music industry.
David Bowie, T-Rex, Boy George, Little Richard, Elton John, Every 80's hair metal band front man, Prince, etc. 

I would gladly give up the brightness slider for an F-ing text size slider.
I can always dick with my TV settings to help with the brightness and contrast issues.
BUT, good god what is up with this new trend in recent games to use 6pt font with no contrasting dropshadow so half the time, the microscopic important directi

Yep. Got 3 more so far today.
One of them “Be a TRUE PATRIOT! Donate NOW to our election defense fund. FIGHT SOCIALISM!”
Another “LAST CHANCE! Don’t FAIL YOU president!”

and set to be followed by a second chapter sometime next year”
Welp... Fuuuuuuuuuuck. They really are going to keep beating this dead horse until it’s just palatable enough to a subset of Fallout fans that Bethesda can have their version of GTA Online and never have to put forth the effort of creating a deep and

He already does shame his followers.
Out of morbid curiosity, I signed up for emails and texts from the Trump campaign. Ever since the election ended, I’ve received hundreds of begging emails and texts with subject lines of “YOU FAILED US!” or “YOU’RE FAILING YOUR PRESIDENT!” or “Our records show that you FAILED TO

I’m fine with this.
Trump supporters are the same people who are tied to oxygen tanks due to severe emphysema from a 2-pack a day habit yet keep pounding the cigs and cough/laugh every time their lighter ignites the oxygen in front of their face. “Ain’t no smart ass doctor that thinks he’s better than me gonna tell me

Fuck the Broncos.
If only the icing on the cake would have been an errant rocket pass hitting Horseface Elway right on the bridge of the nose resulting in an instant gush of tears.

Only if they do it Mussolini style so we all get the opportunity to pelt his upside down bloated carcass with rocks and bottles before the vultures pick him apart.

Was really hoping it would have pushed him to 6 feet under instead.
Would absolutely love to test that theory that Don Sr. would not give two shits if Don Jr. died.

Feels like the video game version of a band that Boomers love who never release anything new but keep raking in cash by releasing “best of” albums with a bonus extended version of one random track and going on yearly arena tours with a slightly different theme than the previous year.
Basically just phoning it in as a

Except true lifer Trumpers will only turn on Tucker for daring ask that question. They are already marching in the streets, waving MAGA flags and chanting “Fake news Fox!” and “Fuck Fox”.
The members of the Fourth Reich know that their followers will never question anything they say. And like Pavlov’s dog, Trumpers