
That’s cool. But seriously, what has G/O Media done to their sites!? The performance is pure shit now. Images are loading like it’s the 90's. Typing in the comments field is horribly painful. After typing an entire sentence, I have to count to 10 before the sentence stutteringly starts to populate the comment box.

As a UI Designer who constantly has to monitor all the work that is being done for clients to insure that all copy passes WCAG Usability Standards, it thoroughly baffles me that the video game industry couldn’t give a rats ass if its users could read a damn thing on the screen.
Seriously, in the middle of an intense

Cuphead was great until it wasn’t. And unfortunately for me, that was fairly early. That game sorely needs a difficulty setting. I paid good money for the game and fully expect to be able to enjoy the fantastic creative approach and throw back concept. BUT, hit a brick wall fairly early on when after a few dozen

She looks like a brunette Janice from the Muppets band.

HA yes indeed. Wish I could remember the comedian who said this but they had a bit about filthy rich kids who feel entitled to dictate influential public decisions because of their resume of “winning the vagina lottery”. To them, somehow being born into extreme wealth equates god given authority over everyone

Ahhhhhh America. The land where if an educator ever hopes of earning a wage that will take them slightly beyond the nerve wracking paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, they have to spend decades of their lives earning a masters degree and numerous certifications in hopes of getting the slight comfort of tenure. But a

Really though, does any of this even matter. At this point, you can’t even walk across the white house lawn without tripping over more damning evidence of high crimes but as long as Moscow Mitch is holding a gun to the head of democracy while the GOP sycophants create an impenetrable fortress around their Lord Trump,

The greatest video game moment of 2019 was when Jim Spanfeller was skull fucked by a meth addled grizzly bear before said bear threw Jim’s bitch ass into a wood chipper, Fargo style.
Or was that just a fever dream I had after consuming too many Hamilton Nolan articles on Splinter? Not really sure to be honest.

And the 19 games are...???
Not watching a fucking one hour nine minute video otherwise I’d still be frequenting IGN.

Maxine’s statement is the perfect rebuttal to the Republican talking point that “some of the Democrats started talking impeachment the day Trump was elected!”
Well, duh. When a habitual grifter and criminal who either personally or his businesses have been found guilty of fraud and other crimes numerous times is

Impressive. Especially for only doing it for 2 years.
But I can’t get past the fact that half the photos look like the head of a petite teenagers head photoshopped onto the body of a 6'6" super shredded linebacker.

Look at the bright side. According to Trump, America is overflowing with JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! So if you find your self out of work, chin up young buck.

Go ahead and file this to the unpopular opinion bin but I actually don’t mind her being on the show. Even though she is no fan of Trump, she does a perfect job of illustrating the large swath of moderate conservatives that liberals need to acknowledge instead of just dismissing them as wacko deplorables. She embodies

I mean, that’s great but I’ve pretty much lost all hope that anything will ever happen. Moscow Mitch has already said that the GOP Senate is coordinating with Trump to again proceed in lockstep their mighty leader.

“The exhilaration of working together as a team... something we are really striving to capture”

A just god would stop wasting time and snap his/her fingers and deliver an ending worthy of a vile deranged “king”. Something along the lines of Joffrey Baratheon’s exit from Game of Thrones. And while he/she is at, keep snapping for Moscow Mitch, Bill Barr, Devin Nunes, and the rest of his boot licking sycophants.

By and large, Americans are just stupid and lazy. Is Trump the living breathing embodiment of criminal corruption, yes! Do the vast majority of Americans care, no! They fall into one of three groups of which the first two are really nothing new. The third is what will be the downfall of modern society...
1. The “It was

Caster could have worn that bag over his head with eye holes cut out while wearing a tuxedo t-shirt and responding in 100% pig latin for this entire hearing and it wont make a difference. Trump’s gaggle of lapdogs are getting so fat suckling on the teet of Putin’s dirty money “campaign contributions” that Trump could

Your truck has a “six-inch bed”.
Yes, you are definitely not a truck person.

At least the bloodbath theme was symbolic of the Idiot King’s approach to governing through chaos and cruelty.
This shit is just a backdrop for her delusional princess fantasy. An eastern bloc euro trash version of a Hallmark christmas movie.