
Eh. As cliche as this sounds, being an artist is a state of mind and a personal philosophy in how you live your life. Just be you, create and never stop creating. Do what feels right to you and what speaks to you. If you passionately pour yourself into your art, it will no doubt speak to others as well. Trying to

She’s moved on from being press secretary to more of a David Attenborough role in retelling her observation of a schizophrenic septuagenarian screaming nonsensically and flinging his own shit at an air dancer outside a Jiffy Lube.

Not exactly ballsy when Bob Sutton is still using the original 1988 Madden Football defensive options.

Just assumed that Chris Berman stole the “You’re with me, leather” from Mr Suave Drumpf.

“The Outer Worlds, is basically Fallout: New Vegas in space”
That’s like telling me Bella Hadid is basically Gigi Hadid in a different outfit.

Henry’s eyes! Holy shit that death stare would have blasted through a concrete wall on those runs. Medusa ain’t got shit on Derrick Henry.

Is this bullshit even legal? If I buy a house and the agreed upon timeline is that I take possession 30 days from now, the seller cannot preemptively rip out all the copper wiring, pour cement down the drains and grind feces into the carpets without facing some severe legal repercussions. But basically doing the same

HAHAHA. 500 Atoms. Restaurant advertises a steak but serves you a shit sandwich. You call out their BS over the bait and switch to a shit sandwich. Their “apology” is to offer you a coupon for 50% off a shit sandwich on your next visit.

Did San Diego sell their naming rights to the suppository company?
Gives new meaning to “shedding blockers to flush out the pocket”.

So sick of politicians feigning shock at the behavior of corporations who just received massive tax breaks and billion dollar handouts. Their pearl clutching at the soulless greed is as idiotic as giving the twitchy beggar $10 and expecting him to do something sensible with it instead of immediately making a beeline to

I hate this new state of multiplayer gaming where the game is always stuck somewhere between a beta and alpha state and devoid of any real engrossing story or smartly written characters. There was another updated review of No Mans Sky on Kotaku that now applauds the game for finally creating a richer experience TWO

Ah, the bootheel of Missouri. A well known breeding ground of racists, white supremacist and klan groups. I had the “pleasure” of driving through that neck of the woods once when I thought a road trip from one city to another to see a little Americana was a good idea. I’m an average mid-western white guy and that

As exciting as it was, I can’t help but wonder what it could have been if the officials were complete dog shit. WTF. The incompetence and wildly inconsistent calls in EVERY FUCKING GAME this season is ruining the game. It took two god-like performances on both sides to overcome the fun-killers in stripes. Get your

Since the fan friendly commish doesn’t give a shit about player safety and especially can’t fathom the idea of passing up a quick buck from “emerging markets”, what happens if both teams agree to forfeit instead of potentially sacrificing their futures by playing in a deathtrap with urine flinging “fans”? Would it regi

Unless something drastically changed in the last week, the North Blue Ridge area of KCMO isn’t exactly hipster/gentrification central. Not sure how a homeless camp is ruining the quaint beauty of multiple Pick-&-Pull scrap yards, the Erotic City sleaze shop and ‘scrip club’, abandoned houses and discount liquor stores

To be fair, the Mariners did have Ichiro and according to Reggie White, “Asians can turn a television into a watch”. Who the hell can top that?

Given the depths that Trump and his gaggle of sycophants will stoop to in order to preserve their steady march to desecrate democracy and establish a fascist dictatorship, I’m finding it harder and harder to see that sanity will be returned through the traditional channels of law and democratic process. I hate that

Let me guess... It was the oldNeil Gorsuch sneaks up behind RBG and gets on all fours while Kavanaugh pushes her” trick.
Ya know, boys just being boys. He learned it from Squee.

Good god, what are you doing!
This entire democratic campaign has been about energizing voters and creating a groundswell of new young fresh voices to the party. And as soon as we do... here comes Nancy Pelosi to suck every once of energy and emotion out of the room with her speech today.

As a Kansan, I’m torn on Kobach. I was overjoyed to see him voted out. BUT then my joy was quickly subdued by the empty of feeling of “that’s it?”.
Someone that possesses the sheer magnitude of vile scumbaggery as KKKobach does deserves to dragged out of the state by their feet over miles of country road dotted with