
If by future you mean advancing the means in which corporations can bilk and scam consumers of their money? Then yes, it most assuredly is. I will take no part in it. Sadly, 99% of the human race is comprised of dummy sheep who will foolishly see “value” in this con and be robbed of their hard earned money, just as

Those are definitely different things.

Oh, that wacky Kotaku, always playing both sides of an issue! What rascals!

I was never a Destiny fanatic, but I did play the shit out of it like few games in my adult life. It played well, and while I never really got to explore its depth on account of not having enough friends who played it consistently, I enjoyed it to the tune of hundreds of hours, mostly in the first game.

I wanna call this Vaporware, but since it’s space, I give to you...


Trading money for copium. People are weird.  

If any Star Citizen weirdos come in here saying iT Is OuT, and you’re talking about the empty/broken modules that are currently playable, I will turn to dust. 

This is why it’s always morally okay to pirate.

Yikes, that’s a terrible take and you should feel bad for it.

Did you seriously feel a need to write this article? Why? Whether a small development studio is all male or all female or what-have-you does not matter. Your statement of, “So, presumably, the founder had met at least a couple of women who were skilled enough to work at one of the highest-profile video game companies

Understanding how twitch does what it does, and why it does certain things, can be an enormous help to smaller streaming sites or anyone looking to start one. I would be very surprised if this wasn’t DLed by LTT both for content and to dissect for Floatplane. I bet Google is going to spread this to engineers. You cant

But I already have my wife?

It’s not a particularly tough decision for me. If I want to buy a game, it’s not going to be this one. Or any other game Activision Blizzard puts out. Full stop.

*scrolls to the end to see if AVClub are going to copy what the Guardian does on its “Top 20 - Ranked!” and put the real #1 at #4 to create a commentboard flame war*

Counterpoint: Copyright doesn’t exist and is a legal fiction. 

I’m from the NYC area. So, I thought you all already knew that Busta was always on that questionable Hotep shit? Like, how we don’t want to think badly about Lauryn Hill/Erykah Badu but I also would never ever ever trust any of them around my kids because they’d come back telling me that the fluoride in their

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

“What is ‘better’ exactly?”

If this was any other company, I’d be inclined to agree, but considering that SwSh’s early trailers had some animation issues that were never fixed, I think people are right to be skeptical about Game Freak.

The comedy of this game is that it’s still mostly unplayable for the people who had issues playing it at the beginning, but it’s now also hella stale for the people who didn’t have a bad technical experience with it on day 1. Basically, they’re really struggling to make this game enjoyable for anyone anymore to the