
Whether Mclaren is in top form vs it’s historical dominance, or arguably not, is a completly independent argument from wheather the honda engine was good or is good now. It’s quite obvious they simply jumped ship right when honda was finally catching up and working through thier engineering issues. Bad timing maybe,

This type of logic is why we are in trouble.

Exactly, and the first thing they would do is move production the hell out of Kalifornia.

“How many fatal accidents did it take until people noticed Toyotas were accelerating uncontrollably, because thier owners/drivers stabbed the throttle instead of the brake?”

This one is probably the most likely of anything built after 2000.

I like your style. I own one and love it. But it will never be a classic. Hold it’s value better than any other pickup in history? Maybe. But, go up? I dont think trucks are classics until they are quite old.

Yes, many contributing factors.

Dirty little secret for you. ALL construction is designed on a computer, with no prototyping. Depending on exactly what you mean by “real world validation” there isn’t any, unless a design has been built previously and is being used in a new location, largely unchanged (only really true for things like fast food

Yep, and continuing education “ethics” courses for Registered Engineers. Stuff like this does not happen unless multiple things went wrong and things were done incorrectly or ignored by many people. Minneapolis 35W bridge collapse is one of the biggest historica case studies for Engineers and Architects.

Should be filed under: “You had one Job!”

Because the computer in a car designed for premium today can change timing (and boost on turbo cars) to account for lower octane fuel but no computer can change compression ratio. The point he is making is, to meet higher fuel economy standards they may need to raise the compression ratio in future engines to a point

Except that EVERY SINGLE ONE of those engines can run higher octain without any negativereprecussions.

You mean a turkey baster, a spark plug wrench, and some oil? You can start any flooded rotary with those things...(and knowing where the EGI fuse is)

Interesting that the Concept Race Car has 3 pedals...

“Well, now I’m not getting one. I wasn’t going to anyways, but I’m still not gonna get one....” Said every Jalopnik ever. Which is why nobody sells manuals, “enthusiasts” can’t afford new cars, or chose not to.

I’ve owned two. Both titles said Coupe.

Letting the French dictate your spelling and pronunciation does not make it right. Adding unnecessary syllables wastes everyone’s time. I’m fairly sure the way you Brits pronounce (and spell) Aluminum has a permanent -0.1% impact on your GDP. Further, a Cheerio is a Donut shapped cereal piece made from oats, nothing

For those two reasons owners of cars with manual transmissions really should get a MASSIVE discount on insurance.

Could easily be the case where the reporting entity really does not know the difference between a machette and a swiss army knife. I’ve seen that before...

There is a whole range of things to be anxious over on the roads these days.