
Except for that whole windows platform thing where you are required to give your folders and files names. So yes, there has to be a name somewhere and that is going to be the name everyone will refer to it as to avoid confusion with other similar clients.

Couldn’t a gaming company with enough disposable income just buy copies through Steam anyways to dilute the reviews? Seems like the problem is still there, the only difference is that gaming companies that have advertising budgets are the only ones capable of doing it now and Valve will get a cut of the money from

Given the glaring limitations that come with the modding games on consoles, I seriously doubt Sony is missing out on much in that department. If modding is a big selling point for you, you are still better off doing it with a PC than any console.

Anyone else suddenly have the urge to eat a chocolate Easter egg at an Indian temple?

You’re thinking of something like a hardcore gamer, if you play games you’re a gamer. Even if you play those freemium games on your phone, you’re still a gamer. There’s nothing complicated about that. Being a gamer isn’t an ideology, it’s the name for someone that plays games nothing else.

I wish, but you can’t start a rational conversation with someone by calling them or another person they admire an asshole. From that point on they just shut down and refuse to listen to any of your arguments. Not that doesn’t happen anyways because allot of them don’t like people having different opinions from their

Now playing

1. A gamer is someone who plays games, how can you be a fan of games and not play any games? That’s like saying your a fan of cinema but don’t watch any movies movies.

1. She said she was a fan of games to get people to support her Kickstarter even though there is video evidence of her admitting that she wasn’t a gamer.

Anita is a bad person because she is a scam artist. She uses controversy to get people to give her pity money. She is a professional victim in that sense.

Okay then, what term would you use to quickly and concisely refer to people that think you have to be overly considerate of every single thing that you do so as to not offend anyone?

I dunno, fun by the majority of people who play games? I seriously doubt that there is a huge community of people who would say a game was good solely because of the diversity even after admitting that the mechanics were poor, the controls were unintuitive and nonsensical, the story’s plot had more holes then an on

Does World of Warcraft count? They’ve changed so much about the game that it just isn’t as fun to play as it used to be.

Good game mechanics, sensible controls, interesting and engaging story if it has one, having a win/loose condition, and whether or not the game actually runs correctly. Everything else is meaningless if those things don’t work. Having more diversity might add extra flavor to what’s already there, but more diversity

It doesn’t matter. Developers should make the games they want to make without having to play the diversity game with SJWs. Diversity matters very little (if at all) if the game isn’t fun to play. The landmark for whether or not you should buy a game should be how fun it is to play it; not what skin tone, sexual

The problem with stirring things up is that if you are wrong or flat out lying about it, it just scews the message and makes everything you say less creditable. It is actually counter intuitive to getting your message out there. Stirring things up isn’t enough, you actually have to be right and be able to back that up

In her video Sarkessian spotlights the character-driven FPS Overwatch, citing some shortcomings in its roster’s diversity. It’s an interesting choice to critique, as the game is often praised for its diverse character roster.

Right now we don’t know if it’s advertisers or if it’s YouTube that is saying that advertisers don’t want to be associated. Given that there are TV news channels that cover controversial issues and other channels that have cursing that have advertising, I seriously doubt the advertisers care more about what content is

The big benefit of being able to monetize is that content creators can turn making YouTube videos into a job. Which results in much better content overall because content creators spend more time making their videos as best as they can be. What YouTube as basically done is said that you can’t create whatever you want

You think the people who go into a game’s code to hack its DRM wouldn’t notice that the game was a Trojan Horse? These aren’t the average Joes who figures out how to pirate by reading a blog on the internet, they are people with serious hacking skills. Hell, they would not only have to get it past the pirate

Sounds like a recipe for a lawsuit. Just because someone cracked their software doesn’t mean that they have the right to ruin someone else’s property. You can’t correct one wrong by committing another.