Come up to Canada, where you can point and laugh while dining on the finest of poutines.
Come up to Canada, where you can point and laugh while dining on the finest of poutines.
I’m going to answer on the slim chance that this is a serious question. I’m feeling guilty about people suffering life long injuries for my viewing pleasure. (I was respectful to you, so please don’t hit me with the “they knew what they were getting into” answer.)
He’s half American.
Jays fan here too. Most people in Toronto are pretty chill, however, we’re also the city that elected Rob Ford.
If only there was some kind of illegal radio station that ECU could employ...
Counterpoint: Cora Faith Walker lives there and has some serious guts.
One ought not read the Sun for any reason.
Chris Matthews: I bet you can’t name one foreign leader you admire.
This whole line of conversation was an undisguised bear trap. Clinton wasn’t even camouflaging the traps at this point. And Doofus went right ahead and walked into it anyway.
Fuck that noise!
Good. Kaepernick’s protest is doing what he wants it to. He’s getting a shit tonne of attention for doing the right thing here.
It’s a videogame around which large gatherings occur, both officially and unofficially.
Rapid unscheduled disassembly.
When the NCAA and major conferences can credibly claim the moral high ground over you, you really need to re-think things.
I’m a “secular progressive” who used to live in the South, and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been called a traitor for my worldview by Confederate flag wearing mouth-breathers wearing a “the South will rise again” t-shirt.
Turns out cops feeling threatened by a person of color merely sitting there is pretty close to the root of the very problem Kapernick is complaining about.
Shhhh, we’ve already started. Should be done by October.
No Nanaimo Bars for you, Yankee!
Nothing wrong with a little sweet chin music!
I didn’t know that I choose to have medical bills as debt. I have chosen wrong.