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But he's charming, succesful, powerful, rich and white. That means he can't be a rapist. Right?

Good work Jezebel, let's keep giving a guy who has been sexually assaulting women for decades and who, together with his wife, ran the largest tax-payer funded "slut" shaming campaign the western world has ever known.

Look at presidents from similar eras- neither Obama nor either Bush had any real sexual harassment/assault/rape claims made against him. Besides screwing an intern, which was stupid/immoral if not illegal, the following major accusations have been made against Clinton: Paula Jones sued for sexual harassment, Kathleen

This is Jezebel. Common sense is not allowed here.

It's funny cuz by pointing out how Lily ALlen is being mean to women, by pointing out how mean they are, it's kinda proving her point...
The endless cycle continues.

Sorry, but a gentle pun about a movie's title doesn't come close to the nastiness of a racist caricature.

Same here. Admittedly, I am somewhat new to the faith, and most of my experience is with the Los Angeles archdiocese. They tell you to love your brothers and sisters, regardless of who you or they love.

"Like her soul, this house is a fake plastic mess."

Jesus, Tracie.

The op referred to "women" who came forward alleging various abuses by Clinton. Critical1313 then referred to Clinton "RAPING" a woman, with all caps for dramatic effect. The subject of this thread was not limited to Lewinsky in the context of the original post. To me, it's clear that Critical1313 was referring likely

Um, per the fact that you initially leapt to the conclusion that the poster was suggesting the rape involved Monica Lewinsky, I'm pretty sure your understanding is limited to a quick Google search. There's actually a lengthy list of sexual assault allegations including women other than Broadrrick: Eileen Wellstone, to

I kind of wonder how some people can (rightly) vilify Clarence Thomas and support Anita Hill whilst simultaneously loving Bill Clinton and demonizing the women who came forward about his "alleged" abuses.

Abandon preconceived notions and tired stereotypes indeed.... We found ONE!

There are few things more annoying than someone who grew up in a rural environment making it out and then shitting all over the place he or she came from and people he or she grew up with, for the benefit of other urban sophisticates.

This is a rather disturbing way to look at things. Shall we break this approach down with kitchen knives? Stand mixers? Refrigerators? Furniture?

For reals though, the articles in Playboy are pretty great.

I know I keep reiterating this, but how is something that you're complaining about getting a better than average score? When this scale was introduced it was said in no uncertain terms that 5/10 was perfectly average. 6/10 means 1 better than "didn't notice it either way". Are you saying the handling is better than

I prefer foam on my lips to blood on my hands.

Oh horseshit. To say a fetus, or even a zygote is the same as an unfertilized egg and sperm is either be stupidly ignorant of basic medical science and genetics, or willing blind in order to hold on to one's ideology. The scientific facts are in, sweetie - there's a human being in there.

Because why should a baby's life be more important than what you want? It IS all about 'you', right?

Nobody's except the baby's, right?