Cris P.

Great Read! Some stuff i've heard before but i always get something new out of it when i hear from different sources. I'm starting to dive into freelance work and it's becoming more work as i'm keeping track of all the money i make that way. Considering going to a professional financial adviser to learn of what i

Agreed. Two Bryans don't make a right.

You raise some good points. I actually appreciate the back and forth on this subject over the last few weeks; some healthy back and forth discussion. You've convinced me to give it a shot. Going to bookmark this and try this later this week and see how it goes.

And thanks on smidgen. It's one of those words you

Simple advice. Necessary advise :)

It's a blend of both things. It's a mix of driving more safely while being more comfortable in my the drivers' seat. Also, i don't use half my mirror to see the side of my car, i only use enough of the mirror to see a SMIDGET of the side of my car. Don't get me wrong, i still turn my head even when i check my

snicker to yourself as you walk away?



Having this ability and/or exercising it and learning from it definitely helps in the professional environment. Makes you more likable and creates great work relationships, which can open up many doors in the long run.

totally agree with you. i feel that if i can't see the sides of my car on the side mirrors, i'm "missing something" between the road and my car. Better safe than sorry.