Cris E

I can make some. Do you think it would help?

This looks a lot cooler than my integrity-strewn moonscape of middle school fun.

Yeah, well, there were no 14 year old girls following me around when I was that age. As vile as this whole scheme smells, it still seems better than mowing lawns to save for college.

Hamilton started as a revolutionary too!

It's like Girl Scout cookies: there are NO girl scouts in those things. Not as advertised.

Hey wait, I've never seen Michael Jackson in the same room as two or three Area 51 guys. Eerieā€¦

Ask Johnny Bench (and in the World Series at that!)

Also, a lot of that cult is based in Cincinnati. Much of the rest of the country just doesn't care that much.

How about deplorable?

I always went canoeing for summer camp. Things sure were different in the 40s.

I would have thought 1945 was too soon for Bob Hope's take on that.

No way: totally literal is the way to go whenever the Bible says anything about Naked. (Or it was back when I was still allowed in churches.)

"Here" being the nearest Men's room.

Minnesota is working on one to make protesters personally liable for all costs incurred during mass protests. Apparently closing a major highway is going cost someone hugely.

It was kind of a thing around here eight years ago when gun toting white men were stomping around town hall meetings. This time it's disenfranchised folks trying to hang onto their health care insurance. Hunker down and wait and things will come around again.

But they love corporate jets.

Also, Trump won by a narrow margin, and one group that put him over the top was not conservative at all. There's a big knowledge-lite populist group that carried him to office that is not well aware of a *lot* of stuff.

Wealth redistribution. Sad.

In the interests of healing America, I say be generous and leave the door open for the possibility of an interest in doing the right thing. It could be they're stalling and genuinely scrambling to find any alternative to backing down from promises and merely tweaking the ACA.

House = 2yrs = professional fundraisers and paranoid as heck.
Senate = 6 yrs = yawn. Even in election years they can play outstate vs city and scrape by.