Cris E

The Hulk's breasts do not draw clicks. I think you go with Jennifer's body and The's head.(Can I call you The?)

Endor has always been at war with Eurasia.

Lessee, tax write-off, increased book sales AND laying the groundwork for an eventual multi-generational Disneyfication of the franchise. That bastard genius Lucas is three steps ahead of us all.

Listen, do you want this jobs program or not? I can't sit here all day listening to you to quibble over details like the end of life on the entire planet. Quardal-2 is beating down my door for this project.

The AV Club

Solyent Furry

Wrestling is real, not entertainment. Real, I tell you.

Or at least born into fabulous wealth and booty.

His latest project was silently killing Donald Trump and saving the hair for his 2016 Run for the Presidency!!@!1!1

You think President Trump will allow the existence of any place that isn't a press briefing room?

What if Luke was wearing it? Like Rocky in Rocky Horror?

Mmmm, beautiful squid…

And that wasn't a costume change so much as a snack.

The blond ones, anyway.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, John Kennedy was white. (Am i doing this right?)

Katt Williams appreciates this charitable image of his hulkiness.

I loved Bailey. Oh my goodness. Yes.

Ellen Smithee needs her big break.