
I've thought Adalind and Juliette should swap places since the beginning of season 2. So I'm thrilled with the developments. Juliette and Nick just have no on-screen chemistry. And Bitsy Tulloch can pull off angry and bitter much better than she did with the dull girlfriend thing — not that she was given much to work

It sounded like "you" to me.

It's not. I rewatched all of Community several months ago. Through most of season 4, I was thinking it really wasn't so bad. Then I got to Intro to Felt Surrogacy and hated it so much more than I did the first time.

Why would Annie drug test Britta? They all know Britta does some drugs recreationally — but not amphetamines. Annie is the only recovered drug addict, so that secret isn't interchangeable.

"Big bad" is a generic term for a TV trope. Buffy may have started the common use of the word to refer to that trope, but it's a word that immediately conveys the meaning without any knowledge of the Buffy franchise.

They wrote a pretty decent explanation for a reset in season 2. They could have done anything to reinvent the character after her spell-induced coma. But instead of improving, she got even duller and more useless.

The "vet" role is kinda covered by Rosalee though. Which makes me worried that they might want to do away with her to make room in the group for Juliette. I really, really hope that doesn't happen. Nothing would make me dislike Juliette more.

Agree on all accounts.

Legally impossible? Why? You can't very easily put someone in prison for driving people to kill others and commit suicide due to their crazy obsession with that person. There wasn't really anything to charge her with, because she didn't actually kill anyone. Unless they had some evidence that she actually did convince

Seems like a reasonable start of a concept to me. But I agree with @olivececile:disqus that they seemed to imply Volcanalis was causing or exacerbating an erruption.

"Ring of Fire" and "Volcanalis" are the same episode. Apparently they renamed it for the second airing. I haven't heard of any changes to the content. Just the title. (The first airing was pre-empted by news coverage for most of the US.)

By the way, what happened to Nick's super hearing? Anybody else wonder why he didn't hear the windows of that truck being smashed out? It was a quarter mile, but shouldn't his super hearing cover that distance?
Or was his suspicious face and looking around supposed to be him hearing it? It seemed more like he was

"I think I finally came over to the anti-Juliette camp "

Killing Rosalee instead of Juliet would be a horrible move.

"to the sheer number of murders it would have to commit each day for all eternity due to all the rocks that people would take from near dormant volcanoes"

@avclub-9cb9be7338a236adb160f2d3cf5f5f15:disqus I don't think having Shawn's reasons for initially lying to Juliet helps anything. The issue isn't that he initially lied so much as that he kept lying to Juliet even after they were together. The guy straight up took a lie detector and said he was psychic when they were

According to Steve Franks, during the casting phase, the chemistry between James and Maggie lead him to realized they would get together. To which he clarified by they he meant both James and Maggie and Shawn and Juliet.

Disagree. This season has been hilarious and amazing. I think Psych is better than ever.

This is the second review I read that thought Juliet's softening toward Shawn was because he showed he was good at solving cases. Maybe it's a gender thing, because both reviewers were male. I didn't think Shawn solving the case had anything to do with why Juliet was softening. I saw it as having more to do with just