
You’re right. Especially the hat. That outfit almost screams 1976.

You nailed it. He just spouts, with no thought.

Thank you for the link. She just mops the floor with his ass. Brilliant.

Fuck 2016. Seriously.

I’m not sure that capital punishment is more expensive than life in bars. I’ve always heard the opposite. Can you point me at something that would help me understand?

I was very depressed before I watched that, because of the anniversary coming up of the death of my partner. I’m not sure how you can go from that to laughing your ass off, but it happened. :D

Even though she’s 21 now, I’m sure she’ll still appreciate it.

Jebus, the OED said that?

But, but... Mexico was going to pay for the wall. He did tell them how he’d build it.

Couldn’t figure out how to edit my original response.

That’s the point.

Thank you for linking to that article. I now have a different point of view on this. Everyone’s running around yelling “Hitler” and “Nazis”, but I think this is a much better way of looking at it.

Just want to say I love your grandmother. And I’m not even from New Jersey.

Any way you can bring me out of the gray?

Hve to disagree with that. Japan has owned up to some things, but in a “I’m sorry you feel that way” sort of way. Their kids do not get the type of education into Japan’s war crimes and crimes to humanity that Germany’s kids do. And there are a disturbing number of shrines to their war “heroes”.

Thank you.

So a troll is someone who disagrees with you?

I’m not entirely sure how much hair there really is, I mean with roots and everything.

Seems far more likely to me, too.

I am going to cling to this.