Crindee Bluth

Britney has been through terrible, terrible SHIT. We all saw it and we didn’t even see the worst of it. Terrible isn’t even a strong enough word. Britney is a survivor. Lots of people have been through similar mental breaks but Britney went through it in front of millions of people. We are here for her. We are

I had ever heard that and now I love her even more.

burton makes some great sweatshirts! i had one that belonged to an ex for years. XL sweatshirts plus skinny jeans or leggings plus big ole boots of some kind always makes me feel very badass in a 90s punk rocker way

Mine is a size 2XL men’s Burton hoodie which I bought at the thrift store for a Yo-Landi costume a few years ago, and which quickly became my favorite garment. I can draw my knees into the hoodie and be fully covered by it. I wish it wasn’t so awkward to wear in public. (Wore it to my sister’s last weekend, where my 4

This is lovely and I can’t hate on it because the world is terrible right now and Britney is a gem. Also I wear two sports bra that are supposedly “super supportive” to work out in because it is like sports bra companies have actually never seen boobs before.

aawww, I didn’t know I needed this in my life.

This is cute and she looks happy and I can’t hate. Paint on, Brit! the name. I’m Maggie Lizer; as in lies her ass off!

Personally, I think it’s more a matter of the person behind it as I don’t believe he ever had her best interest. Additionally, what part of her life are they going to be focusing on?


I’d also like to say thanks to all the survivors who are speaking up in this thread. It’s really important for people to hear your voices and your stories. You’re incredibly brave to do so....I know it’s not easy.

Thank you for reminding me when the greatest source of daily tension in my life was seeing that one fucking PT Cruiser in my hometown and wondering why someone would buy it. I was so naive. I was so lucky.

Why do people perpetrate online hoaxes? Why do people shoot from a 32 story building? Why do people vote for Trump? Why do people throw a kitten out of a moving car (my foster cat)? Why do people abuse loved ones? Why do people drive PT Cruisers? I just don’t know anymore. People are crazy, that’s all I got.

If you want the Costco cigarette availability conspiracy theory you’re gonna have to talk to my dad. Nothing strikes terror in the heart of man like a hirsute arab with a cart full of toiletpaper and milk shouting about the supply and demand economics of Dunhill cigarettes.

If the GOP didn’t care when 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook they never will.

I totally agree. And also seems like a genuinely nice person, and, hey, if the kindness is a façade, I will take it over cattiness, any day. #TeamKim.

’m sorry I wasn’t aware we always had to agree with our husbands.

She has a huge platform and is using it for good. Very cool, KKW.

Love Trabbi. Will miss them :(

Trabbi 4evah!