
@Firebrand: with a wrench and about half an hour, maybe some instructions.

No means no, Gizmodo. No means no...

@Darklighter: my bad. "In brightest day...ect" just seemed to long.

Politics, politics, politics. I think I will skip the Rand books and just keep watching John Stewart and Senator Sanders Unfiltered with a dash of Micheal Moore here and there.

I think I remember an article about a guy who refused to live with anyone that used apple products from earlier this month. Maybe he just didn't want this in his apartment.

Wait... people don't eat the middle of strawberries?

Sad that these weapons were never supposed to be used. The scientists working on Los Alamos were assured that the bombs would be used only to demonstrate what the US could do, never to be used for killing.

@destryer: how many roads must a man walk down?

@Kishore Kumar: I read it and still found the similarities of the robots funny...

@Jhonka: Thanks for the link but that has nothing to do with immigrants.

@Bluesroo: So if you have nothing against Latinos, how did you know that the ones in the emergency room were "illegals"? (Even Arizona asks for their papers)

@golferal: you can fail to provide me with facts all you want also.

@golferal: an about article with no references or sources? (I take that back, it says dateline 2004 on the top) Nope.

@golferal: I would be interested on the supporting statistics of that claim.

Facebook fan pages in general are worthless (in my opinion). If I already visit everyday, why would I need to visit their facebook too?

@Mr_Quackers: That's kinda gross. Just saying...

@schubs: well then you probably wouldn't tweet about how happy you were to be in Kansas.

@schubs: would you be happy if you lived in Kansas?