Yeah, I know what you mean. I really wanted my Mii to respond to others coming in with “Jesus Christ, this shit again. What now?” but I held off because I really didn’t want to get immediately banned in a future crackdown.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I really wanted my Mii to respond to others coming in with “Jesus Christ, this shit again. What now?” but I held off because I really didn’t want to get immediately banned in a future crackdown.
In Case You Didn’t Know
Just make sure that they’re in the top percentage.
See, I don’t see that at all. I see a really, tremendously smug smirk. And it rules.
BTW - loving the rematch option in ranked games. That apparently made it in. Fantastic cause I’m salty after losing one. But I accept it as not a fluke after losing convincingly twice. =)
Bummer man. But thank you for the reply.
It was your decision to buy a phone with an OS that almost nobody develops for.
Yikes. You're still upset about Quiets clothing? You must be a JOY to go on a road trip with.
They did, it’s called the Dead Or Alive franchise.
Where’s the Naruto charger?
Here is a good map of most of the named characters in the PvE area. If by any chance you killed Bullet King for good, you can find other named characters to farm. Purple arrows means enemy is above ground, red arrows means under ground.
The key issue is resources. Why waste resources on listening to good law abiding citizens and our inane chatter about video games, tacos, our jobs, and families when those resources could be allocated more smartly and focused on more likely groups or individuals. I don’t care if they listen but if by listening to me…
dont let the big bad government catch you with that tinfoil hat on mannnn
Its the logo of a clothing company.
This is a “Stucy”. Used by a clothing company as its logo in the 90s. Viral marketing didn't save them though.
I know, right?
Yeah. The problems seemed to be totally cleared up by the time even I got to it, and that was <12hrs after the midnight launch. People just need to learn patience.
Even in the post-apocalypse, old dudes be tryin to cover up unfortunate neck tattoo choices from their youth.
Hang on... I didn’t get a copy and I backed this. I’d better go and have a look at Kickstarter.