
The % hours one isn’t too bad. Just equip a Dweller with clothing that benefits Endurance and give them a decent weapon and set them on their way. If they die, you can revive with caps. I just finished a 10 hour one and got a lunchbox out of it :P

Well, thats mainly because Kairosoft games cost actual money to play. The ones that don’t have those happy F2P Micro-transactions and ads. I would say for an interesting experience with Kairosoft, go with games like Kairobotica or GameDevStory. Those two by far were my top favorites out of a whole mess of fun content

They have tried something new with and without the series. Resident Evil took a rather weird turn for the worse when RE5 came out and since then, it hasn’t gone to many good places. So, maybe going back is a good thing in RE’s case.

Considering this game is free for iOS users, I would doubt there would be a need to pirate the game.

I agree. If you havent won the right to show off, then don’t. Then again, dont show off period. Its poor sportsmanship regardless.

In my honest opinion, if you can get away with it then why not? Im not saying the guy was good by any means, but, if you get hit THAT many times then block right.

How is it bad or boring? That game was one of my favorites, I am just curious what makes you come to your opinion.

I don't watch any of his videos as he sounds VERY annoying to me. But, I respect guys like him and Youtubers like him. Markiplier, Jackscepticeye and even more play games and have fun with what they do. Whether or not he diserves his fame shouldnt be an argument. They guy did what he liked and became a star with it.

As someone who actively cannot stand Wal-Mart in the slightest, I don't see a huge issue here. People are immorally taking advantage of the system by doing this, yes. But, how can one not resist the urge to get the new hot items for that price on a normal day by trying this?

In my honest opinion, I had considered

There have been a number of articles about Destiny and the issues some peoppe are having. I, for one, havent had an issue with the servers since i recieved the game as a gift.

I feel gross for even owning that game now. What an asshole, learn some control dude...

Potatoes and Tomatoes. Some people don't but most do :P At least you sharing your opinion was brave! :D

I respect your opinion sir!

I owned TS3 for Xbox and it felt disgusting to play. TS1 on Gamecube was where I last enjoyed my Console experience with The Sims.

That one is a must have!!!

Whatever happened to putting a bucket full of water over a door or unscrewing a saltshaker just enough to ruin a meal?

This it absolutely irritating that people this day and age have to do such stupid "pranks" to get some yuk's. My girlfriend told me about this as she herself is a huge fan of TheCreatures and loves

I agree. Most anime I cant watch because it just doesn't seem good. To me, Attack on Titan wasn't as good as some led me to believe. Although the plot was built around such a great idea, I have to say the same for Sword Art Online. The shows that got me back into anime happen to be romance/comedies. Such as Chobits

For me getting into anime, it was a tie between Sailor Moon and Pokemon. As a kid, that stuff was on a whole lot in my house!

nothing better in the morning than a whole bunch of humor and some Dr. Pepper! Thanks for this! xD

This is actually really cool. I know as a kid alot of rumors were passed around on whether or not Mew was even in the game let alone obtainable. Glitches like these were always awesome to hear about as a kid, mainly because they gave some kids hope that they too could one day own a Mew!

Now they exist everywhere.

To be honest I like the idea of more themed regions. Kalos being modeled after France was pretty neat, although I didn't care for its design much. I think a China-based region would be pretty sweet to explore!