
I agree and played it through more times than most games I have owned in the last 5-6 years.

Is it REALLY trolling if it is truth? All I hear about is how great Apple products are and yet I see ZERO things on it that make it better than anything I use on a daily basis. I use Microsoft products, but, I won't sit here and say they are PERFECT. *cough*Windows8*cough*

But, lets be honest. Apple is NOT a good place

Added everyone so far!


Mine is 3539-9205-1511

Yeah, playing Doom 3 now isn't what I would call frighting. Back THEN (When I was 11 or 12) the game scared the shit outa me and made me afraid of the dark for a few years.

I got over it but Doom 3 was the only game to really frighten me outside the game itself. Dead space tried but it didn't feel as bad because it was

I gotta agree. I thought Doom 3 was even scarier than Dead Space and even replaying Doom 3 wasn't good enough.

To be honest I would rather have DLC appropriately priced then have a whole new game. Mainly because of how expensive games (3DS games mainly) are nowadays... Just drop me a $10-$20 decently sized DLC and I would be happy.

As much as it may hurt to read, I feel Smash Bros. is a fighting game but in a different way than those like Street Fighter and so on. Why? Because of what Fleryreblrth said.

No, just call any of the people listed above and choose "Request a Job" and they will set you up with mission for you and a certain amount of friends. :)

No, I have been doing them with my friends since GTA:O launched. When missions come up from ANY of the Job related characters (Gerald, Simeon, Lester, Martin, Lamar, ECT.) most will say 1-??? amount of players. Unless it states that TEAMS are involved will it be AGAINST friends. I only do missions with my friends and

What does this pertain to the article...?

There are Co-Op missions, but, I would say I would want them to make them a bit easier to access...

I really don't think Rockstar needs to beg people to play. To me they are trying to treat the fans who were 'abused' during the bumpy launch like a beaten animal.

I understand where you are coming from, $500,000 seems a bit excessive to me. I would settle for half at the most since that amount you can still appreciate but cant do much with in the terms of getting a NICE car from Legendary Motors or a apartment in the Eclipse.

I think he just wants alot more now that he knows about GTAV making a load of cash over the course of DAYS after release. What a toolbag...

Yeah its a very interesting feature since Animal Crossing runs off of a Real-Time clock and such. :) That a good balance though, I myself play like at LEAST 3 to 4 times a week just to get my fill and relax haha! It'd be sick if they did manage to make GTA:O a solid thing. No more bugs and stuff, although, I myself

Im sure that it doesn't degrade fast enough to were you have to play on a daily basis to keep your stats up. If anything maybe a weekly session would be enough not to worry about it.

Im pretty happy with the way Valve is going about telling people what is in it before handing off demo units to people. It makes me feel relieved knowing that they don't care and even encourage people to try out what the demo units have with their own money to see if its worth it AND give the Beta users the option to