
Those were supposed to be collectors items and also they already said they aren’t going to stop the SNES like they did the NES. Also are bringing back next year.. If they didn’t care about customers they would just move on, they made money it and didn’t have to do the rerelease at all, it wouldn’t have sink Nintendo

How do you explain Nintendo setting a said price at retail before even releasing the product and yet even with the scarcity, those prices don’t seem to rise in stores? I think people may be pissed off of last week the price was say 79.99 for said item then next week the store says, we got more in stock but since it’s

The Wii was hard to find not because they made less to sell more.. Everybody and their brothers mother’s baby mommas Uncles Daddy was buying them..I mean they only sold 100 million of the fricken things smh

Think before you comment please.. The SNES game files are bigger and also a pretty big jump in graphical and gameplay features in the games. More space equals more cost? And I’m sure there’s other things that made the price go up.. Either materials and/or manufacturing. I mean the NES is basically just a square and

But it doesn’t push up the price that Nintendo is selling these items for at retail?? Or am I missing something.?

I’d say Mario owns a company now, he has low level employees that do the plumbing these days. Luigi is the supervisor/president of said company. Basically, Mario can do whatever he wants now. I mean the guy eats mushrooms all the time and you don’t go into public on mushrooms of you’re smart.

He used it right.. Damn the grammar Police is trying to accuse innocent people too lmao

I can’t stand phone speakers, way too much treble. So this hat would actually be an improvement over that but if you want to listen to music with other people around that don’t.. Get some damn headphones.. Now this may be good for skaters or riding a bike, because headphones kind of suck using them while doing those

That you will not miss. I don’t even realize certain things are missing because I do what it’s meant for and that is play games haha I definitely don’t regret purchasing my Switch

Play that Zelda game more, you won’t be disappointed at first I couldn’t find my fitting and interest in the game but I literally just started wandering and just started g in my own little adventures the direction I wanted to go and found what was in my park a it came along and it finally became the highlight of the

My switch has been just fine, I take it everywhere and play docked a lot also. It’s a lovely device. I love my PS4 but compared to my Wii u the PS4 had had more of these “problems” having to reinsert disks multiple times to get a game to work, from the beginning the disk drive was just loud when taking a disk into the

Yes because trains have a steering wheel that is super sensitive to any jerk that jerks it too hard. Probably 98% of the people saying he is an asshole would prolly be ok with flying it outside some woman’s window to see her change or something....

Maybe it was only stupid to you. Mr. Einstein.

That’s how most stop watches I’ve seen work. Now usually you don’t need hours on a stop watch I mean once it’s hours you are clocking you may as well just write down the actual start and ending times using an actual clock?

Well there just went the last chance I’ll ever have to live out my dream of being a g.i. gnome..I wander if it’s the Vietgnome war? Haha- too much? Are gnomes related to Santa?

Played it on my tablet before the switch..I said it should be on a console. my buddy actually showed me the trailer on Google play so I downloaded it.

It’s worth it I also played

I think the game is refreshing and I love that something I played on my tablet and while playing it... I literally told my friends “this game should be on a console, the switch at that”. I owned my Switch at the time but had heard nothing about this game coming to switch until yesterday when I seen it on the eShop!! I

Someone spent time and money meeting these extra features for the game, simply put they weren’t needed at all to make the game complete or a better experience. All these good reviews that were written before this dlc ever came out should tell you that! That’s like saying you should only get paid at work for the

You’re going to miss out on an awesome machine.. I’m not a fan boy of any system, I’ve owned at least two consoles every generation. Had a Xbox 360 first last generation then a PS3.. Then I bought my Wii U then a PS4 now the switch and I’m debating getting an Xbox one. And at the beginning of my PS4 ownership and even