
The main reason why people watch Ninja is:

Do not fuck with a food item that appears to flipping you off.

The cultists themselves feel a little half-baked as well (pardon the pun). They’re all about the same looking, and unlike Wolfenstein, which had the balls to make a game about Nazi badguys, Far Cry 5 caved a little bit and made this prejudiced cult nice and multi-racial (but hey, maybe they all hate Jews or something.)

You’d think using a flamethrower would be kinda fun in the game, but it’s totally not. Most of the time you just set yourself on fire.

It was the Os Johnny had trouble with. He had no trouble with the Xs.

Well the number is now at least one. I wasn’t going to buy it and I loved the original because I hated how they undermind the system with microtransactions (both stated in many editorials as well as their own PR statement here).

So its removal will finally get me to buy the game I was otherwise giving a hard pass on

Idea: train former players to be referees. KD would never ever pull this shit on Kevin Garnett

Ghost towns do not have residents.

Why is it ridiculous that a game published by Sony isn’t on Xbox? Ugh it’s ridiculous that Sea of Thieves isn’t on PS4!

...How? She’s basically invisible until she’s within 20ft of a car on a 45MPH road. There’s no way in hell it’s stopping in time, and I’m not sure if it’s able to “panic swerve” around her in time.

As the titular character of Samer 2, I can guarantee that it is the dankest gane around.

The World Cant

I haven’t seen a Bosnian murdered like that since Srebrenica

If you made value decisions on people based on whether or not they have a tattoo, you are sentient diarrhea. Just saying

No they aren’t, they are coming back for the new operators, the outbreak co-op is garbage.

Article about message in a bottle...doesn’t have the message in the article. Fail.

I mean, I’m not a workplace productivity expert, but I can pretty much guarantee you that this is yet another an instance of them coming up with elaborate rationalizations to justify an aesthetic preference.

Naw, finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything is pretty moronic. All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted. I really cringe at the thought of another 4 years of Trump but unreasonable people like you are who are going to make it a