
We never get to see Monster Truck shows in the Los Angeles metro area. sadly.

Toyota has better cars to copy now? Will they ever make a car that isn't a copy of another better car?

That said, Ford is looking to put all of its vehicles on a diet, and if it doesn't come through a more widespread use of aluminum, it could come from carbon fiber, another material Ford is investigating.

Trying to outrun the beige?

True, but even Honda makes more than four cool bikes that are never brought to the USA. They've also "copied" Harley type cruisers for decades and we've had enough of that by now. They're either lazy, stupid, or short sided.

Gremlin, Pacer... some of you have no sense of humor. They still make beige Camrys for you.

A friend has a deposit on the KTM and my GF wants the Husky now I want one too! I hope they do great with these so the big moto companies can get their lazy heads out of the clouds.

all those lines, That looks fast!!!

It's good to see the tradition of "paying homage" to the best selling vehicle by making yours look like the Ford F150.

Cops get busted so seldom that once it happens it makes the news all over the world. Good on ya West Midland PD!!!

JUKE 2 !!!!

Violence! People are getting killed, The Police better requisition more weapons.

The pictures don't look like Italy, So I'd guess parts & Service for a 38 yo Euro might be a little scarce. In 1977 this car cost over $32,000 in today's dollars. so NP. Rock Auto claims to have some parts for it tho.

Only one? It wasn't desirable when new. Unless you needed a large write off...

Annual U.S. Automobile deaths

Agreed. But how much more safety equipment does a modern car compared to a bike? YET ten times the people die every year in car accidents? I know obviously there are more cars. But ten times the amount of people die every year in cars, there are more than ten times the amount of cars.

Hey Serious Gord- You said Bikes are a recent invention? Daimler made motorcycles in 1885 and Hildebrand & Wolfmuller motorcycles 1896. Race drivers wear helmets. It's a smokescreen saying that bikes are dangerous and cars are safe so they don't need safety gear like helmets. Like we do. And yes obviously people die

MC riders have to wear helmets. The no 1 injury in cars are still head injuries, therefore car drivers should have to wear helmets too.

So if you were on a bike your "1 hour commute" could be less the 20min. How would that improve your life?

The extent of most of these arguments against are that people do illegal things like lane change without signaling, speed, brake check, etc. Your solution is to reduce the freedom of others who make different choices. Do we need more vehicles in line to create more traffic. Other than your being startled awake by