
This looks like the swift kick in the butt I’d need to not get to lecture at the very last second once and for good. Definitely giving it a go, thanks for the recommendation!

And clearly, this is US only. :(

And clearly, this is US only. :(

Another neat App I tried was 30 days fitness challenge. However, I had to uninstall it because the advertising is just too invasive and in your face. There is no place in the App where an ad is not in your face. Banner ads, native ads, fake banner ads, animated card - like ads, video ads, full - screen ads, pop - up

Trying it out on my Android - I thought I had good sleep habits and I was, in fact, concerned about why I am always so tired and, all in all, I found out my body energy level is as low as 39%. Eye - opening. Thanks for letting us know of this little, niche, underground App - it barely has any downloads, but it’s

I will definitely opt-in for this feature. By the way, it’s refreshing to know it’s not the new default! That would cross the border a little bit.

Does Google Fit use this? It regularly shows I consume less than 1800 kcals/day, if not when I run

reaWell, this is me. Because of my school’s lack of organisation (it’s been brought up multiple times, yet nobody has done absolutely anything to fix it so far) we’ve been having a way overtaxing schedule for weeks now, and it seems like every day more tests are being scheduled and the rabbit hole is deeper. I

I would still stick with OneNote anyway if I were you. Keep is a much more minimal note taking software, and once you develop your style with OneNote and start playing around with the more advanced markup and OCR features there is no coming back. Google Documents is comparable to Word, Google Keep is a no - bullshit

I use the hell out of Pocket, but not enough to switch to Firefox. If it gets eaten up, Instapaper won’t be that bad. Let’s hope for the best!

I’m trying to force myself to use MyFitnessPal instead of Lifesum for a while. Why? Because no one uses Lifesum, and I want more seamless integration with other apps. So far it seems to lack some of the stuff Lifesum has, the ads are annoying and the App is slow to start. On the flip side, adding water is a more

As a dedicated Drive user, I love this. So many apps are beginning to support this “In Apps” tab (Is there any way to make it more reachable, like to create a shortcut for it? I would soo use it.), and some even go as far as to immediately pop up in the results as I start typing. Lifesum does this - being typing in a

That looks like a killer solution to keep “Gallery sliders” from doing their thing without being possessive or straight up rude (One of these apps that prevent you from sliding further than the picture, they are very easy to tell and if the person you lent the phone to realises what you’re doing... let’s say it’s not

I’m a year late, but to readers who came here from today’s post: White Noise does not allow you to hear sounds in the bacgkround unless you pay, that’s true, but if you like Noisili better and you don’t have 200MB to spare for the App (completely offline, yes, but massive!) and you have a stable connection, the Noisili

I’m generally a bit wary of joining Apps and services with a very small userbase, but this is the exception. This App is perfect - not as in smoothness, that could be improved - but just in the way it works. I’ll just set up my mood and relax, energise or whatever the heck I feel like doing. The good thing? You don’t