Creepy Stranger

The form was created as a direct result of the ACLU’s lawsuit, and is itself the second iteration of the form. The first is supposed to only be given to individuals who actually have a “Final order of removal,” which means they’ve exhausted their options for remaining in the United States (at least directly) and so

The only non-Republicans who won last election cycle were the bars and liquor store owners.

Hahahahaha no. There was no treatment. The young men who were subjected to near-constant bombing and the ubiquitous threat of gas would get PTSD so bad they had actual seizures. Only then did military doctors consider there might be something wrong. They named it ‘shell shock’ and it’s the first known diagnosis of

They’ll say something like “Trump didn’t get the abortion. She got the abortion.” or they’ll call her a liar cuz you know women. 

Not half as obscure as the law covering the President’s skincare regime; the Emollients Clauses.

It’s even better because they originally put Trump in the bigger hall but when tickets weren’t selling very well, they moved it into the auditorium in hopes he’d enough people would show up to make it look like a sold out speech. He couldn’t even fill that 

I swear all of the men who are associated with the Trump family look like vampires. They all look pale and dead behind the eyes. I guess if you’re an undead bloodsucker for long enough you end up looking like one.

Giving 12 B dollars of government money to a bunch of people sounds a little like socialism that the Republicans like to hate to me

You can host the Twitler Rally at the VFW, but you can’t make the veterans actually show up....

This article explains why Trumpers still support him. The money quote is “...when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalised people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.

I love how everyone is crying over being tricked into saying offensive and racist stuff. No assholes, you weren’t tricked. You were lulled into a false sense of security. Once you thought you were talking to a like-minded individual, you let your guard down and said what you really felt. Also, this guy spends about 3

Bill S. Preston, Esq., and Ted “Theodore Logan

If they ever get this made, they should do a making-of mockumentary where Reeves and Winter time travel to solve production problems.

I’m ideologically opposed to most organized religion and most of what they do violates my deeply held beliefs and personal dogma.

“During his remarks, Severino also relayed a story about a Catholic nurse who was required to perform an abortion, which violated her religious beliefs.”

Desperately awaiting a physicist to tell us what kind of Watt-hours is needed for 1000 ‘shots’ of 2 seconds each, that would leave enough bite in the beam, at 800 meters, thru air and one pane of ordinary window glass. Yes, wavelength is to be discussed as well, thank you!

So if these travel at the speed of light, and they are fired for two seconds, how long of a laser beam would that be?

Yeah, I was in the Marines, I saw some sonic weapons that fuck up your inner ear and make people throw up or pass out. They have aircraft and ship mounted lasers they have been testing. But power is the issue, reloading is helpful and batteries are not good. 

Tomorrow, I will release body armor made of mirrors.

By that measure, it is literally impossible for anyone to stamp out competition for good, because others are always free to initiate new competition.