Creepy Stranger


Spitting? Come with me instead. I’ll pack an extra dose of laxative.

So many of these families are being torn apart after coming here and TURNING THEMSELVES IN IMMEDIATELY TO APPLY FOR ASYLUM, an act which is absolutely not illegal. This is strictly a tactic to deter immigration. I fought for this country, couldn’t justify it then, can’t justify it now.

Not. Enough. Stars

While I read and appreciate Barf Bag, this is the first time this column has made me physically ill. Probably won’t be the last given the escalating BS from this anthropomorphic carrot and his cronies/fall guys.

Dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria!

Well this is the crew that coined the term “alternative facts,” so there’s that...

I’ll just leave this here...

No collusion, just kompromat

Unfortunately, his base absolutely doesn’t care. It could air on all network channels and they wouldn’t sway a bit.

I just got suddenly fired from a Trump supporting business, after just 4 months. I asked for feedback and they said “your work product is good and we’re just looking to go a different direction, but we’ll give you references” - how do I even use 4 month old references, I have a 14 year old with braces! So, yeah that

OK I take issue with the description of Erik Prince’s company as “private security” - that’s something that Miley Cyrus hires. His company is a PMC, Private Military Contractor, aka mercenaries. I’d like to also add he’s the brother of our esteemed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Nah, we call em Nazis

So if he resigns, does that mean I can keep my weed?

He could resign. As a 3 star, I’m sure his pension would be cushy.


Well, I’m now going to follow you. Seems like the shadows are a vibrant community in and of themselves. I like.

The GOP wants to go back to the nuclear family, while making it impossible to do so. Dealing with these people is like the Twilight Zone, and I know many conservative people who are just as much wondering what the actual heck is going on.