Creepy Stranger

You know, as a veteran myself I can get being proud of your veteran ancestors. However, as the saying goes, the victor writes the history and putting these people that are now considered traitors on a literal pedestal and elevating them as some sort of heroes just seems extremely misguided. But that’s just my opinion.

Yeah I haven’t really been there since the mid 90s,and as far as I remember it was pretty well developed. Still, I would guess there are still some rural areas

Seriously, aside from the atrocities of slavery, I don’t really see a reason we shouldn’t have let the CSA secede. I think we could have good trade agreements and we wouldn’t be at each other’s throats as much. The Civil War poisoned the well and it often feels like we’re living in two different countries, united by

NY has some of the best dairies and apple orchards and farms. Before the western expansion, guess who were the cowboys

I don’t think the point is generalizing people. I think it’s a matter of these economic powerhouse locations having to foot the bill for less productive places. Don’t get me wrong, I think we all should chip in, and the haves have a social responsibility to help the have-nots, but these places are typically entrenched

All it takes is a vote. Technically, the states are all sovereign-ish entities who consent to federal rule. Practically, there would be serious consequences, but there’s no real reason a state’s people would be unable to democratically secede. Bad idea aside.

Paid Political Hacks Are Scum. In other news, water is wet and the sky is often blue. Film at 11.

Anna Merlan, this column often angers me, but you’re doing God’s work. Keep it going full steam and keep holding these dick’s feet to the fire. Also, that was a weird and improper way to use the kermit meme. But that’s none of my business.

Thing is, the press has alternative ways to get the news. If you marginalize and isolate an otherwise “playing ball” news source you run the risk of having them do a much more thorough investigation on you. The Trump camp thinks they’re holding all the cards but if they truly alienate the media, they are likely to

“I choose to stand with the ridiculed, the insulted, the belittled. I stand with those who voted for something new and different and a little scary.”

Real question: do some people really believe being anti-fascist is a bad thing? Asking for a friend

Dang, I usually don’t post on stuff like this, being the unqualified gender to speak, but I have to say that I’m glad that Mrs. Stranger and I have pretty good health care and hers was free

Yup. Looks legit.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia

Concussed. I think you’re mistaking a concussion for shock. Easy mistake.

Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that trying to prove individual cases is going to go to shit. Still, it sucks to be flashbanged and booked.

You speak true

Priviet, welcome to West Russia, comrades

It’s because Republicans are self-interested, while Dems are interested in the greater good for as many of us as possible. It’s an uphill battle in slippery weather

I honestly think that most of Trump’s unqualified picks will pass the buck, much like their boss