Creative Destruction

Jesus Christ, we have laws here. You can’t work someone without paying them. You can’t pay someone two dollars an hour. The fact that things were probably even worse in their home countries has nothing to do with it.

And of course...

Nope. It’s just spring in Texas.

No thanks. My body is ready for Bernie Sanders.

She now has a worthy challenger:

It’s like Pompeii all over again

The sheer amount of stories that start or end with “I was 12” “I was 11” “I was 9” NINE! NINE FOR CHRISTSSAKES! I was flabberghasted sifting through all the stories shared. It makes me sick to my stomach....I can’t even articulate my rage right now.

My county (Anne Arundel, MD) has their own ISP too. Great service for a price cheaper than Comcast.

Monmouth/Independence, OR started MINET Fiber Service. Standard plans are 2mbps for $10 through 100mbps for $80. Flat price, no hidden fees. Up to 1Gbps available and beyond for industrial use. After living under the tyranny of TWC, Comcast, Cox and many others, I couldn’t be happier that I moved here.

True, but can’t we all just be satisfied with Google’s willingness to give us what we want in exchange for mining every last bit of data that makes up our lives and injecting generally unobtrusive laser focused advertising into every second of every moment for the rest of our lives?

I wish I had the smarts to organize a co-op isp.

Go ahead and try. Verizon and AT&T will sue you to try and stop you though.

Minneapolis MN has it’s on ISP. It’s not very fast (I think the fastest you can get is 20 mbps) but its super cheep maybe $20 a month.

Indeed! Call me when I can open a flat box and have THIS emerge automatically.

State of the art materials and engineering finally come together to form... a table... that turns into a slightly taller table...

Agreed...HATE it. I live in an area with lots of brutalist architecture. Nothing like a concrete playground with tons of sharp corners to make me want to slap someone upside the head.