
but if you don’t like us - we’ve already labeled you and pigeonholed you into the only reason possible you don’t

This movie is starting to feel more and more like Jarhead...

Ghostbusters 2016 - WE ARE BEGGING YOU TO LIKE US.

That doesn't answer the question...

what am I missing?

“women made it, therfore it has to be good” - the bitchernet

“I haven’t seen it, but it’s totally amazing!!!” - the womanternet?

you ummmm... you’re not a smart person

As crazy as it sounds, it seems that Sony may have had some legal argument for forcing Bill Murray to participate. His involvement may not have been entirely voluntary.

3 things are keeping me from taking Dan’s opinion seriously here:

Genuinely wish all involved well with this project.... but I have absolutely zero interest in seeing it at the cinema. And this is coming from a huge fan of the original film. I own an original movie prop ghost-trap and have seen the original so many times I have lost count. I have finally reached my limit regarding

not to be mean, i mean it CAN be a good movie... but so far it looks worse than the original... also just looked him up and he is not... he is not a reference for good cinema...

I just wish the trailers didn’t make it look not funny. I like everyone involved with this movie and while I’m certainly not someone who wanted a Ghostbusters remake/reboot/whatever, I feel like these are people who can pull it off. But the trailers just don’t give me a good vibe.

Look like it might be a good scary movie but i couldnt get scared or even all that interested since i dont speak the language and had no clue what is happening and why.

“Hey maybe Disney realized badass women sell.”

“Jesse Eisenberg has confirmed he’s returning”

You’re acting like Columbia is Wharton or something. The African-American representation in Columbia is around 13%, which is on par with the national population. It’s also 14% Latino and 25% Asian. It is 40% white. I would hardly call that overhwelmingly white. Especially compared to most other universities in the

Bingo. This girl deserved to have someone read her the riot act. Just because it was a guy doesn’t mean it’s suddenly a feminist meme.

She sounds completely insufferable. And for someone bright enough to get into Columbia, she’s an idiot to think her actions wouldn’t result in an all-out missing person’s search.

no you’re not