
“Trust me. I think probably the planet is going to explode. That’s my feeling. It’s so good,” Reedus says. He added: “I’m not a good actor and have no other shot at fame. This is it for me. So yes, it’s just the greatest episode of the greatest TV show ever.”

We do have a moment where Jubilee uses her powers that you’ll see on the DVD. I wanted more Jubilee.

Based on the plethora of whiny bitch pieces I’ve seen today about how someone would dare be able to match Gawker’s legal department on a financial scale, I figured this would be a good headline to run alongside this too.

you do?

well that seems interesting. How often does such an occurrence take place?

they did?

soooo, is that a yes?

rough life huh?

agreed you’re wrong

REALLY appreciate your input. Thanks bae

agreed Beyonce is an overrated hack. Stomp twice, mean mug, pop hips once all in front of wind-blowing machine = OMG SHE’S SO AMAZING!!!!!

amazingly, Jason McIntyre is the most unbearable person on this show

why would everyone need to watch out?

Kinja wont let me break paragraphs up so imagine this is a separate paragraph

Kesha admitted under oath that her and her mom made up the allegation. Flip-flopping your story multiple times at the exact time your career needs a boost is more than just a strange coincidence. Let’s not compare those situations. They’re vastly different.

he forgot to add that it wouldn’t matter sadly. People would still go watch their movies. Hollywood has a way of rallying around people it likes, no matter the allegations. Hell, outside of some comedians, no one has really condemned Bill Cosby on a large-scale level.

TIL Tom Ley doesn’t know what “scolding” is

so like most Deadspin commenters, you just make the same joke over and over?

haha EXACTLY what I was thinking

Requisite “looks like we’ve got a badass here” comment.