
hopefully next time he can make it funny

the audience didn’t laugh because he wasn’t very funny...

Obama made race jokes... people laughed. Maybe Larry Wilmore just wasn’t funny? Maybe he just fucking bombed.

People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS.

Fuck she’s annoying

isn’t this just the cut of meat that Fred Flintstone puts on his car?

Fewer words - same statement

which writer is most likely to admit when they make a mistake instead of doubling down on it in the comments?

so much rage and so many questions... that probably could be answered if you made 2-3 simple phone calls. He’s actually right about why drug testing was allowed - and many players over the past couple of years have said this themselves. But again, maybe you should make a couple phone calls and find out yourself.

We’ve already noted how pathetic it is that either of these issues—a college kid smoking a substance legal in much of this country, and getting money from his rich coaches to help his financial woes—even roil up controversy.

The Pryor thing is not even close to a precedent for this... that’s a pretty heavy reach.

for a group of writers that find this to be a non-story and don’t think it should even be written about at all - you guys sure are getting a lot of mileage out of it.

But it’s a pretty fucking tone-deaf thing to say

but a college kid smoking weed is not a story at all.

my Lord Ghostbusters sounds awful

“Probably white people”


On the other hand, natural and human-made pandemics are definitely high-risk, high-probability events

hard pass

I pondered being a dick in my response... but I got nothing haha. Well-played.