Is there anything wrong with gore for gore's sake in a show about zombies that is ostensibly meant to horrify?
Is there anything wrong with gore for gore's sake in a show about zombies that is ostensibly meant to horrify?
Agreed totally. I think it's really sad that men have to choose between two extremes (would you believe I nearly wrote sextremes) but women have a lot more freedom of expression in that way. I do think it means a lot of guys who would be in otherwise happy marriages (dotted with gay pornographic dalliances, just like…
Yeah, I thought it was incredibly sad. I think her laughing and all that, and the later "so you want to suck dicks now" vulgarity was all meant to make us A) dislike Hannah's mom & B) see where Hannah gets her selfishness & victim mentality.
he's actually hilarious! I've never been a fan of the cutie-boy act (and actively despised a lot of Weezer's newer music) but that Twitter feed is funny stuff. Good for him.
It's funny you say that, because I disagree in a lot of ways. Whenever Chuck is 'suffering', I just think it looks…comedic. It's only because I am so familiar with Michael McKean as a comic actor, it's really hard for me to see him as a mentally ill man with a serious condition. It just seems like a joke - doesn't…
I get what you're saying, and the Beyonce thing does feel a bit manufactured - I agree - but the fact is both of them have made statements in support of feminist ideas & Beyonce has absolutely identified as a feminist what with the giant light up sign and all. The media pushes Beyonce as a 'feminist icon' because she…
My opinion: a lotta dudes wouldn't like to have sex with her and they don't like being confronted by an "ugly girl" on television without the benefit of a placating personality. She's confrontational and abrasive but I find it charming, and I think if she was in a different body she'd be way more universally liked.
When did Lena Dunham & Beyonce come out and say they weren't for gender equality?
Daniel Plainview has had a-fuckin nuff
I actually really like Hannah, and would happily be friends with a girl like her. The rest of them are less great, but I don't think any of them are completely irredeemable trash.
They thought it was a different scat.
I think he's utilizing the classic comedy move, the "Humorous Overreaction" piledriver. It's been around for decades, I'm surprised you didn't recognize it.
Wow, nuts. I guess that is pretty inexpensive, then!
Actually that's the funny thing about all this, I came up with fake paid programming years ago. Do you remember the Slap Chop? People still laugh at that one.
My mom thinks I really love and admire David Cross just because I think he's a really funny guy. She's going to think a lot less of me by proxy once this gets around the rest of the internet.
I hate to tell you this guy but Big Bang Theory is popular EVERYWHERE, including socialist white-people paradise Europe. I live in the UK and it's the show most idiots talk about when they're not talking about tea & Lidl.
you sure sound like a loud asshole, and I wish someone from Gary was on that train with you :)
Carmel represent - with a character who'd get pulled over as soon as she drove through the town center!
Looks like someone should ask you to do a HateJoke. :)