
I loved that one too…I saw it as a kid, all by myself. I'm sure it was around the time of my parent's divorce - it made a big impact on me not only in terms of hope for life after death, but even more than that the power of love. I needed to see something, even as hokey as it was, that showed me that people could love

Haha, fair enough - I'm from Marion County so my memories are probably a lot nicer than for Southern Indiana & Chicagoland residents. Although my family is from Chicagoland, and it's got it's charm. Mostly I miss the wide, well-planned out roads.

You self loathing Hoosiers need to tarry forth down past the Mason-Dixon line sometime. There's more than corn in Indiana, but not much more than swamps & prostitutes in Louisiana.

I think it has more to do with Indiana's incredibly low cost of living affording us such luxuries as HBO.

Is there any easy thing we can have to blame for the apparent rampant kiddy-diddling in 1970s England? Like, was there a Carry On The Schoolyard are something?

Yeah, I love Ligotti even more than I love True Detective, but the guy didn't come up with any of these concepts…he just perfected them.

Am I right that Zach Braff is supposed to be the father of those two kids? That can't be true. How old is he? Holy shit he's nearly 40. That's shocking news.

I was about to say this exact same thing, except I was also going to flip a table.

You realize he just got fired from a job, right? It's an unfortunate fact of this modern world, but the stuff I say online will also affect my future career. If a future boss Googled my username and saw me saying crude things and cruel things, I might not get the job that I'm otherwise qualified for.

Wow, if only all poor people were more like you. You should go tell them how to better spend their free time. That's a cool, nice, altruistic thing to do.

Wow, jeez - I follow this guy on Twitter (he was posting loads of good shout-outs for various British street food vendors, and I'm into that) and had noticed he'd gotten a little preachy and self righteous. I had to rub my eyes a few times and be like, "Wait a minute…this is the guy who used to eat ounce after ounce

Surprised at such a glowing review - I thought this show was so bad. The biggest problem was how just not funny it was.

I thought you could have dragons but you just needed council permits & to ensure that they meet EU guidelines for artificial color & dyes.

Really, getting up and out of bed has to be a bit of a struggle for the lady these days…and she's dragging around the set of a show she probably has never seen? I know that she was a big fan of Golden Girls, not exactly a lot of cross over there.

I agree, that didn't seem to be a major focus of the show…If anything Molly shows that it's hard to be right and be a cop, haha. I was really frowning while I read the article Fargo vs True Detective, where one of the reviewers says in a nutshell "Well, we all know that both these shows are an indictment on

Wow, I didn't expect to see sexism be coming up here. Fargo created a very strong, non-traditional female lead who was given an actual personality - not just made into some sort of justice-seeking "tough girl" or a soft-hearted kindster. She had lots of layers and elements, and in the end her decision not to risk her

What has Kanye West said that was at all comparable to a 14 year old smiling and singing a super racist and unfunny parody of his hit children's song? Sorry, I got a "Defend Kanye West" alert for this article.

I don't know, I find the show quite amusing. Mostly Kev, but there are some funny bits from almost all the characters. I totally agree that it's maudlin at times & tries incredibly hard to 'strike a chord', but that doesn't detract from some funny, gross stuff from Kev and some funny, 'dumb' stuff from Derek.

You obviously don't know many British teenagers. They'll only ever respond to abrupt violence. That's where Guy Richie got the idea from!

Counterpoint sagely accepted. Yeah, I could say it's weird that Smithers is in love with such a detestable figure as Mr Burns…but I see what you're saying.