Oh yeah, I see them on my facebook already. I’m just over here laughing. Don’t forget about Benghazi! And Elizabeth Warren being a traitor! I need to make a Bernie or Bust bingo card.
Oh yeah, I see them on my facebook already. I’m just over here laughing. Don’t forget about Benghazi! And Elizabeth Warren being a traitor! I need to make a Bernie or Bust bingo card.
Gay or asexual? She is not someone who really gives off a sexual vibe. But I'm a woman so maybe I just don't see it. Not a criticism, just an observation.
But don’t ask her about her Jehovah Witness-led views on the LGBT community. She would get an A+ for you for that, I’m guessing.
Shown here: Diana, Princess of Wales, arriving at the opening night of the smash West End hit “HMS Pinafore.” The Times of London called her performance as Captain Corcoran “a revelation.”
For all that people love to say Harry looks nothing like Charles, I think in the top photo he looks exactly like Diana.
This is the best thing Jezebel has ever posted.
Serious question: do you think that Tay has ever engaged in teh sexing? I’m gonna say she hasn’t.
One scholar will have you know that contrary to received wisdom, Charlotte Brontë almost certainly did NOT underdress…
oh yeah this looks like a legit source of evidence. It’s definitely not some lunatic that hates Hillary so much he’s willing to exit reality and join the tea party and their stupid conspiracy theories. Yeah no, it’s totally legit. ;)
“We’re fighting against too much government spending, unless our guy does it, in which case, it’s peanuts!”
I don’t think these secret service costs are even in the top 15 reasons that Sanders shouldn’t be running anymore... But I do wonder what he thinks he’s accomplishing right now?
Of course it’s a drop in the bucket, but don’t tell me for a second that if the rolls were reversed Sanders supporters wouldn’t jump on this as another opportunity to paint Clinton as being wasteful and out-of-touch with the working man. He needs to drop out. He’s not nearly as close as Clinton was to Obama in ‘08,…
I’m a big Bernie supporter and phonbanked for him and everything. But it does go against what he claimed to stand for. The people have spoken, now let us unite behind our actual candidate. He’s not serving anything but his own ego by staying in.
A million stars for this. No, a gazillion stars. You are right. This isn't the will of the people, this is ego and a career politician doing whatever it takes to keep his name in the press.
I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old…
I am as narcissistic as I am passionate; I must recognize my own importance, and let it devastate me. What can I do but go on?