Its a crime series I half expected her to keep it going indefinelty like most crime series.
Its a crime series I half expected her to keep it going indefinelty like most crime series.
Casual vacancy is tedious but rewarding in the end but i liked Cukoo's calling much better and felt a bit more like potter in terms of story progression. Both are more story driven while Vacancy is character heavy and reads incredibly slow
The new series has Finaaal Striike
sigh Thought this would be an ongoing series with really no set end still 7 is a good number.
They arn't that bad shredder at least looks cool and arn't as bad as the leaked halloween costumes made them look
Love the last two on Sheldon's list
anyone who played Uncle Ben
anyone who shot Uncle Ben
The thing that was funniest to me is when things go wrong for George and Elaine which is all the time. And They are probably the worst offenders and most selfish.
The problem with Family Guy is that the jokes while funny seem like uncreative and lazy filler. The Ernie the chicken fights looks as if they could be inserted into any episode at any time and the cutaway jokes look as if they could have been drawn from a hat and don't forget the overly long gags which seem like an…