Crazy Steve

Entirely true, but it’s worth noting that while Ultimatum was probably the worst comic of all time, the Ultimate line had a quality renaissance in the fallout. Most of the line was pure gold going forward.

Best analysis so far of what went wrong with the Dinklebot.

Characters said words. I think if you listen to all of those, and then go online to Bungie’s website and do some word archaeology to cross reference with the game words, you might be able to locate some story.

Now playing

This is my favorite ever Snake game up to this day, especially because of the 4 player versus.

Well it DOES look like after all the action someone pulled out and left the condom in there.

Pikachu looks a bit too satisfied here.

Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?

Safe sports franchise

Why isn’t Mike Tyson as reviled as Floyd Mayweather?

You know, watching the old 1960s Batman, I realize just how much they played up the “World’s Greatest Detective” bit of Batman. This is something that’s been almost completely ignored in most of the newer iterations of Batman (with Dark Knight having more detective work than others), other than the most rudimentary of

This is what immediately pops into my head when I hear Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.

The constant tip of the hat to Wolf3D really makes the cockles of my old fogie heart smile warm and bright like the stars at night....

Yay, just what I need, a 4th digital platform.

This is a revelation to who? Who didn’t attend these kind of parties as a teenager? Or know people who did? Minus the social media and cell phones it seems like pretty much every “great” party I went to as a teenager down to asking older guys to buy alcohol. Hello. Are people that stupid?

I wanna go back to dick Grayson batman. He was nicer, cops actually liked talking to him and his interactions with robin were the best.

Man even Floyd thinks that's a crap defense.. You know after someone read it to him.

That’s not what cowardice means dude. The only nice thing you can say about this asshole is that he has money. The whole TMT thing is incredibly sad.

Drew seems happier though and in 50 years will be remembered fondly by his kids and grandkids.
