
Packers. They were the best team last year, by far. Agree on the Giants. Discount double check is still the best QB


You're right. Just those guys knew what was wrong, and worked to get better at it. The top players have no weaknesses. Kobe. Lebron. Durant. Rose. Paul. Do everything well. And no matter how physically talented you are, if you dont work hard, you dont get there.

Reznor won't play it anymore, said what was the point. That entire series by him is just incredible. That cover is unreal. Haunting as hell.


Derrick Rose, Chris Paul, Tony Parker all had weak jumpshots when they came into the league. Worked on it, so at least you have to respect it. Rondo just doesnt seem to get it. Even Lin hit a late 3 pointer today. I am still working through my D'Antoni bitterness here.

And if the Knicks had fouled him before they got the ball to Pierce, they would have won. Rondo had a great game, no question. But I still wonder why Rondo hasnt improved his shooting. If anything he has regressed I think the Celtics wonder too.


Kept waiting for the dead gay son comment. Thankfully, even Cherry isnt that nuts.

God i hope he was or is THE MENTALIST. My man crush might tip over to the full blown changing teams thing.

Not everyone's band of choice, but my friends told me about this band, with a fat guy playing harmonica. Saw Blues Traveler with about 50 other people, and Popper just kicked ass. Hung out with him at the bar afterward. Nice normal guy, though a bit sweaty.

Unless Mike takes off the shoe, it isnt a fight. Why would you cut to the Sonic highlight? Let them go!

As a New Yorker, I can say its a Jewish thing. I dont know why. Mom put ketchup on her hot dogs, and so did all my Jewish friends. The kids who put Ketchup and Sauerkraut however were never allowed back.

So many choices at the deli. But to this day, I will reach for the Wise BBQ chips in the red bag. Tried them all. More unnatural than anything else on the shelves, but still the same exact taste.

Finally got around to reading Unbroken. Should have been titled What the Fuck Are You Complaining About, Look What Happened To This Guy .

Failure to get open is why he is retiring in the first place.


Wait, Wendy is your sister? Trojans are her favorite too!

Brought to you by Randy Johnson's Beauty Salon.

I don't think criminalizing speech is the way to go, but anti-semitic Germans is still the phrase that will raise the alarm for about half of my Moms family. The other half were victims of it. The scary thing to me is that Europe has a failing economy, banks are broke, and young people are not going to have the same