
Ceramic knives. That is all. So sharp, if you encounter God on your journey, God will be cut.

He had to give up his subscription to Players Club magazine.

@clmetsfan: Seriously, fuck that guy.

@J-No: What about newly single middle aged men? Are we allowed?

Sex Rehab or Born again conversion?

Ok, I think I speak for the men here, except of those of our gay brothers, when I say we do not want to see Brett Favre's penis.

to prevent his knackered back suffering any more gyp.

@I Like Cheap Beer: Damn Liberals, next they will start pointing out that when African Americans were first allowed to play, they had to use separate showers and hotels.

Unless they are throwing in an early bird dinner special, I doubt the residents of St. Petersburg will attend.

Attention NHL Network, call Bucci's agent. He might be open to an offer.

Immediately after seeing Joe Morgan naked, Aroldis Chapman was seen on a raft headed down the Ohio River, screaming Viva Fidel!

@UkraineNotWeak: Not yet, but their children are all wearing t-shirts stating the Colts won the Super Bowl.

Anyway, it's clear that my goal with this DVR is this: to start late on a game, skip through the commercials, and catch up with live TV JUST as the game is coming to an end.

They should have retired the comedy pyramid after this post.

So I am assuming by this post that you are "going to the mattresses" with Jezebel? And not in the good way.

You can even join 2,500,000 of those record clubs where you get 11 CDs for a penny

A word of clarification. The divorce is a nightmare, however the single, being able to at least try and nail every woman out there, is kind of nice. Especially when you have not been allowed to play for 10+ years.