
I'm black too and I love all those too, so does my dad.

As an expert in dating needy girls, let me give you two examples.

I think that what "needy" actually means is incompatible. There are some people who want more interaction and more attention from their partner and others who want less. Some people want to be clung to and some dont want or need it. Any perception of your desired level of interaction as negative really just indicates

Me too. The guys who called me that were guys who had no tolerance for doing any one thing around my schedule, that I wanted to do. They could not hear one second of a conversation that would result in them having to compromise, help me in some way, or explain themselves. I am very cool headed, and if I very subtly

What is so frustrating is that this puts "never expressing needs" on a pedestal, for both genders. I would not be That Girl if i did not ask for things. This image of a male* who expresses no needs is considered default and healthy.

I'm going to a surprise engagement party this weekend for a friend whose boyfriend is proposing after 4 months of dating. If a guy I was dating did that to me at that point I would nope the fuck out so hard.

YES, yes, yes. I so agree. I didn't realise until I was out of my first serious relationship how often I'd squashed my own feelings because I was worried about being seen as the crazy girlfriend. Some of the stuff I let slide was just gobsmacking. I'm also quite an independent person naturally, who relies on my girl

The most fucked up thing about this shit is that it teaches women to actually NOT be needy - and I say this as someone that for years in relationships spent my time tamping down my thoughts and what I wanted under this complete fear that I'd be perceived as a "needy" girl or a "crazy" girl.

I had a bf who thought I was needy. (Because I needed him to not cheat on me. And needed him to not make plans with me than disappear without any message, ect ect)
So I stopped.
And became too independant, and too "hard to know".

I really hope everyone posts their own personal pubic grooming preferences, and their reasons for this preference. I need to update my spreadsheet.

Is he driving backwards?! Her hair is blowing the wrong way! Didn't anyone catch that? Also....are they having sex on a motorcycle?

RE Drake's date with Zoe Kravitz:

Needs more Tobias Fünke

This bear has been getting a lot of use from me, lately.

I think there's a fairly obvious answer to all of these:

I had a revelation lately about that whole rule about starting sentences in fights with "I feel like...." For the longest time, I scoffed at it because it was all feely and ugh!

Oh, here's my uber-edgy leotard and fur coat and oversized Chanel bag and lookieeee here, I haz a half-smoked doobie in here! I AM SO EDGY. Terry Richardson! Bangerz! Look at my vulva!

I swear Miley is making pot uncool. It's the same with twerking. She just sucks the fun out of everything. I mean you see Rihanna smoke pot and it's like "good for her she's relaxing" You see Miley doing it and it's like "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME" I can smell her desperation from her. It's not a good look.

Obvious ploy for attention is obvious.

Is it really necessary to call the beverage cloying and an illness inducer? This entire article is bullshit and needlessly insulting.