
Maybe he's no good at drawing eyes? Like how in my high school art class, all the people in my drawings always had their hands behind their back?

I usually roll my eyes at political cartoons, but this one seemed apt:

I'm cool with her selling the tickets. Personally I think that was a really light punishment and it should have been worse, and I say that as someone who regularly ran off like a trollop to a guy's house to dry hump and make out.

It's a popcorn dress! I bet it gets all tiny when she takes it off!

Try this one easy trick to have sex and keep fit:

Miley is trying to do what Rihanna was doing successfully, for a short time. However, nudity does not work with a girl whose body (and untanned breasts) still resemble that of a 14-year-old. I feel like I might be arrested just for having watched this video.

Dear Miley,

I don't care about her using her sexuality in whatever way she wants. I've seen that before. We've all seen that before. It doesn't disturb me. I'm pretty sure her repeated use of black people as props is what grosses me out the most.


I would watch the shit out of a Taystee and Poussey mystery solving spinoff if only for the off chance that they break out in white girl speak for a bit each episode. Their relationship is my favorite!

Come forth, my child, and showeth thine under breast. For hark on to thee a shirt, be swaddled. Yet weareth not bra nor bandeau, for in such entrapments thy devil does thrive.

Is anyone else horrifically scared of pregnancy and childbirth? I read about all the things that happen to your body before, during, and after, and it's one of the significant reasons that have determined why I don't want kids.

I am inexplicably really invested in her and Dwayne Wade's relationship.